All of the sites I am following are forecasting this event. I find it hard to believe a site called swell watch isn't posting it.
Look at this graph it unbelievable!!!
a 3 to 4 foot swell at 16 seconds may override a swell of 1.7 at 26 sec as surface clutter and in fact if you were out in a boat(off shore in deep water) and there was no other swells showing you would hardly notice a swell at 1.7 m at 26 secs. Thats just the nature of a ground swell. But when it hits the beach is another story. These swells move faster than other swells and can be very deceiving near the beach where they break. While the wave off shore may only be 1.7 meters in height they can break at a height 3 time greater than the off shore height. This information I have observed many time over the years on swells that are 18 secs at around 1.5 meters. This 26 second thing is a whole other thing. I do not even now what to expect. Its a surfing thing.