Under the weather


Active Member
By show of hands, any of ye fine gents called in sick to work to go to Dr. Chuck Salty for some R&R?
Too sick to go to work but not sick enough to go fishing also counts:D:D:D

Hope the boss is not checking out this forum and/or does not know your id.
Can you say fishing is kinda slow these days?


Cheers yall
BTW i've never done it
Never called in sick to go fishin but Ive snuck out and had days when a couple hrs out on the boat was part of the day. Had a cell call once while fishing and a coworker asked if that was the boat motor running in the background, I let him know that I was at a remote transmission site and the sound he heard was a prime power generator running in the next room. I cut the call off shortly after that.
I just took the days off and told them i was going fishing. To many banked hours at work for them to say no.[8D]