Umbrella Rig - Grease Trap


Well-Known Member
Saw an article today on the use of Umbrella Rigs for catching Stripers off the East Coast -- did some Googling and found some links for those rigs plus one called a Grease Trap. The Umbrella Rig wouldn't be legal here unless only one has a hook -- but the Grease Trap looks interesting. Rigged to mimic a school of bait with a trailing lure that looks like a wounded fish. Anyone ever use something like this locally?
I wonder how those would work as a dummy?? Sure would put off a lot of flash and vibration.
AFAICT they work great for dummies.

Speaking of flash & vibration I'm thinking of making one with 15 of these in a bunch- 2 & 1/4" size Silver and maybe a bit of Gold.

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For what it's worth...Dummy attractors - I tried something similar, using a string of 3" 'pc3' chrome spoons that hadn't had hooks attached yet. The idea was to imitate a small school of bait and have the spoon with the hook just behind and above the 'flash' - I gave up once I realized the spoons with n0o hooks were getting the strikes! I know a friend tried those exact Flash lite blades in Milbanke sound... same thing, the coho were nuts for the blades and mostly ignored the spoon above
LOL! I can just imagine what would happen were you to drag that past one of our Huge Bucketmouth Lings!!! :D
So waddya know. A friend and I made up a pair of umbrella rigs today using squirts as the attractors and a coho killer dragging about 40" back. Tested it on the flats, and it works. Small salmon on the bbq right now, and another lost. Outfished a stansard flasher 2:1 on the first test.