Two Kodiak trawlers caught 2,000 king salmon

BC is no stranger to trawl by-catch of Chinook. This season the Area 12 fishery was also closed due to higher than acceptable Chinook by-catch. I think industry is likely working hard to find technology that helps it avoid Chinook. Guessing that these closures will spark a new effort to find solutions.
Appreciate your post & experience, searun, But are you sure that Area 12 was shut due to high bycatch of Chinook by trawler? I find that assertion dubious for numerous reasons. Typically, in Alaska the midwater hake fishery has a bycatch issue with subadult Chinook in the ~100m depths when they are hauling up their gear from 200-1200+m. Is there a large hake fishery in Area 12 prosecuted by trawl gear? If yes - is it the largest source of Chinook bycatch by gear type in that area/time? I might find that a more plausible claim on WCVI, Haida Gwaii, and the Johnstone Strait areas. And you can compare bycatch amounts by area referencing this document (Appendix F page 35):
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here is the notice from last year when they closed it because of salmon by catch

COMMERCIAL - Groundfish Trawl
FN1206-Groundfish Mid-water Trawl Area Closures for Portions of PFMA 12

Harvesters are hereby notified of the following in-season area closures to fishing groundfish with mid-water trawl gear. Effective November 15, 2023 to February 20, 2024, the entirety of subareas 12-9 to 12-12, 12-15, 12-16, and 12-39 will be closed to mid-water trawl gear.

Preliminary results of the Enhanced Salmon Sampling Program, that began in September 2022, have shown a significant amount of Pacific salmon bycatch in the areas around the northeastern portion of Vancouver Island. Based on these results and in a precautionary effort to reduce salmon bycatch in this area, the Department is implementing area closures in specific subareas of PFMA 12 for the remainder of the 2023/24 Groundfish mid-water trawl fishing season. Longer-term measures to reduce salmon bycatch in trawl fisheries are being considered.
Thanks, WMY. So they closed it last year - but not for 2024 then? And they didn't close areas 121, 11, 123, & 14 - ONLY 12?

See table below:

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Thanks HG & searun. I believe you - but I checked the Fisheries Notices 1st for Area 12 Chinook Closures and nothing came up except this:

Here's all the areas closed: closure&year=2024&Fisheries=4,14,43,44,45,54
The closure took place in the fall of 2023 - I expect that when and where enhanced monitoring notes high bycatch of Chinook, that going forward similar actions will be required. Or, as I hinted industry is working on some measures that further minimize encounters. Which if successful represents sustainable fishing from my perspective. I certainly don't wish the trawl fleet any ill will, or desire to see them closed down if industry is able to adjust and adopt sustainable fishing practices.

Not much different really than the recreational fishery also needs to learn more about sources of FRIM within our fisheries and adopt more sustainable practices that minimize it.
Subject: SalmonState On Trawl Season Closure: "A Wakeup Call For All Alaskans"

“This is a wake up call for all Alaskans," said SalmonState’s Tim Bristol. “Thankfully the vessel that caught these salmon had electronic monitoring on board, b…
The closure took place in the fall of 2023 - I expect that when and where enhanced monitoring notes high bycatch of Chinook, that going forward similar actions will be required. Or, as I hinted industry is working on some measures that further minimize encounters. Which if successful represents sustainable fishing from my perspective. I certainly don't wish the trawl fleet any ill will, or desire to see them closed down if industry is able to adjust and adopt sustainable fishing practices.

Not much different really than the recreational fishery also needs to learn more about sources of FRIM within our fisheries and adopt more sustainable practices that minimize it.
Agree with everything you stated, searun. But I find it incongruous that they picked only the 6th down the list on bycatch numbers to close. I am assuming it has also something to do with Fraser Chinook stocks SARA listings that are not mentioned in the Fisheries Notice, along with the "results of the Enhanced Salmon Sampling Program". It'd be enlightening to understand all the dynamics & components involved in that decision to close Area 12 to the trawl fisheries - and if those same metrics will apply to all fishing in all areas...