Trout C & R only in Skeena River streams?????

Never fished there, based on the post is it safe to assume there is a lot of trout in the system? I will say I'd rather them err on the side of caution then take a risk like they do with our fisheries - ie. robertson creek springs in the inlet.
Never fished there, based on the post is it safe to assume there is a lot of trout in the system? I will say I'd rather them err on the side of caution then take a risk like they do with our fisheries - ie. robertson creek springs in the inlet.

Nothing like RCH springs-- first its not DFO.. its the Province. We are talking about a HUGH area that already has a limited retention policy 2 trout/char from streams in the Skeena Region (none under 30cm).

It all about a mindset that does not recognize that many , many anglers like to take a fish for the table. If there is a specific problem with overharvesting on a stream-- then fine-- deal with THAT--- dont close dozens of other steams that can stand a harvest so its easier to police.

Whats next??? A ban on killing a steelhead even if the stock is healthy and can take a regulated harvest?????? Oh silly me-- they all ready have done this over the wishes of the area anglers
ya I hear you, I don't know anything about trout in that region. I agree its nice to actually be able to eat a fish now and then.
I've spent lots of time up there, especially the Northern portions.

There are literally thousands of incredibly remote streams in that region that have virtually untouched populations of some of the best tasting trout anywhere. I agree 100% with Cuba Libre - its a mindset in MoE that the fish they are supposed to manage are not ever supposed to end up in someones stomach, maybe only on an internet message board somewhere in a photo disclosing the exact location it was caught :(

IMO If trout and salmon weren't good to eat, there wouldn't be entire government departments tasked with "managing" them. Thats why these fisheries got started in the first place. C&R came much, much later.

Beauracratic laziness at its worst! Do your darn jobs fellas and remember - its the anglers in this province who buy licenses to fund the work your supposed to do and lots of us (I bet the majority) eat fish. If a specific stream is experiencing issues, then deal with it. Dont throw out the baby with the bathwater. Grrrrr.

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Much the same thing happened on some Alaskan rivers-Trout retention closed because populations were hit hard by people using bait.

There are literally thousands of incredibly remote streams in that region that have virtually untouched populations of some of the best tasting trout anywhere.
Yes that's true but if there's no money to manage those places/enforce the rules then a blanket ban is the next best thing.

I've fished the Lower Skeena & tribs with bait and Trout & Char were plentiful-only killed one of each but they were delicious.
Nothing like RCH springs-- first its not DFO.. its the Province. We are talking about a HUGH area that already has a limited retention policy 2 trout/char from streams in the Skeena Region (none under 30cm).

It all about a mindset that does not recognize that many , many anglers like to take a fish for the table. If there is a specific problem with overharvesting on a stream-- then fine-- deal with THAT--- dont close dozens of other steams that can stand a harvest so its easier to police.

Whats next??? A ban on killing a steelhead even if the stock is healthy and can take a regulated harvest?????? Oh silly me-- they all ready have done this over the wishes of the area anglers

Or banning hunting of grizzly bears? Sorry had to!

I guess the no cash to enforce rules argument could apply to a lot of things. Perhaps a blanket ban on all angling would sove the "problem" forevere and save taxpayers alot of dough?

IMO grizzlies don't taste as good as trout, but you do get a LOT more meat.
