Treble Hook Upgrade for Anchovy Teaser Head

lol , apparently im usin the wrong hooks ... have a peek at these others ; )

here ya go

Guide Pro - AJ , probably see him at the fishin shows this spring
great Velcro rod ties too


See this is what I worried about! Three pages of answers but no clear winner but it seems people like owners

From the owners website I picked out this hook

Stinger® 56 Trebles 3X-Strong, black finish, My only concern is they have a short shank as do most of the Owners, is this a good or bad thing?

but I think these from VMC look cool and I like the name!

8574 Barbarian® Treble
x2..... lazor sharp bronze is all i buy now

x4 on the Eagle claw lazor sharp / #2 2X my fav. Tried Mustad,Gami, Owner and VMC and always go back to Lazor sharp bronze. Really like the turned in points. They rust quickly which is the drawback however pprobably better for the fish if you break em off. Absolutely need a rinse with fresh water asap after a trip.
PS I also like the pinched barbs rather than barbless as I discovered that the bump left there from a pinched barb has some holding power. I discovered this trying to pull one back out of my finger - it didn't back out very easily lol!
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See this is what I worried about! Three pages of answers but no clear winner but it seems people like owners

From the owners website I picked out this hook

Stinger® 56 Trebles 3X-Strong, black finish, My only concern is they have a short shank as do most of the Owners, is this a good or bad thing?

but I think these from VMC look cool and I like the name!

8574 Barbarian® Treble

THe Stinger 56 treble 3x is the best hook i've ever used and i've used gammis and eagle claws as well..OWNER all the way man...unbelievable hooks, never bent or broke one of them whereas others bent and made me lose fish!
Ive personally tried so many hooks in the last 25 years for me ive come down to the VMC perma steel conecuts good hook and doesnt rust next is the owners . and this year tried a new one out from TROTAC marine a eagle claw very sharp and very strong they just came out so dont know what they were my buddy at trotac got me to try them so only one season on them and I liked them.

GAMMIES suck bend SOOO easy had to use the barbless ones for that derby on time they were bending on the take lost sooo many fish garbage I gave alll of them away hated them that much
I was waiting for you to tune in wolfie! Vmc's are my only hook now and I'll never go back! Sharp, strong, and sticky!
Ok So now I have two Options

VMC 8527 Fishfighter Treble
•6X Strong
•Short Shank
•Vanadium® Steel with perma steel finish
•Cone Cut® Point

Wolf is this the hook you use? It's the only one I can find that has the Cone Cut and perma steel finish. Isn't the 6x a bit over kill?


Owner Stinger® 56 Trebles 3X-Strong, black finish
No its a 2 x strong it may have changed since I bought them but its the 1/0 VMC perma steel , maybe they dont do it in conecut anymore doesnt matter they a great hook and sharp Trotac has all and any hook you could possablly want or need they only cary the better ones.

Been using VMC conecuts for about 10 years or more. The only issue I've had was that I always used #2's. They changed something because I was all of a sudden having the same problems Wolf talks about with Gammi's. Bending out even with a Coho hitting on the rigger. When I brought up a rig after a Coho strike that didn't pop off the rigger and the hook had straightened I had enough. Moved up to #1's and haven't had any more issues. These hooks are cheap to buy, sharp out of the sharpening required and have a high hook up and land ratio. They also don't fact after weeks of use I throw them out rather than file them. They are cheap enough and I have better things to do with my time!! ;)
Nickel plated Eagle Claw 3x strength 1/0 treble, get them in bulk in the commercial section at Trotac - best hook I ever used, never bend or break!
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