Trailer loading guides

Not sure exactly what the proper term for them is, but I would like to make up a set of guides to help load the boat on the trailer. I have seen some that are just posts at the rear of trailer and others that are like another set of bunks. Any one have some advice on the best strategy when for making up something like this? Where is the best height and or location to mount the guides. Thanks
Winter Harbour 2012 020 (640x480).jpg
Alan come take a look at mine if you want.
Which ones did you get? The bunk or post style? I would imagine the bunk style would do a better job of "guiding you in", but the post style at the rear corners would be a lot easier to fab up.
I have both on mine...
The posts do most of the work on windy days and I'm not sure the bunks have every been touched.
GLG , would like to have a look. I tried to PM you, but your mail box is full.
Sorry about that.... cleaned out a few and should be OK now.
I got cabelas mini bunks 99 bucks. Check em out there mini bunks . Love em on windy days.
I like the bunk style -ideally half way up the side of the boat. Should have about 2 inches of clearance both sides-then there is no way for the boat to stray off the centre line or go sideways at a bad moment. I see your boat has lots of freeboard -that's why I would choose the side bunks rather than end guides.
Ive never seen these in action before, what are they for? To line up the boat when loading by yourself? Actually holding the back end from drifting over?
I would go with the bunk style, had the post kind and was kinda hit and miss, with the bunks: drive it in... aligns by itself one man task.

Just couple of two three inches above the waterline

Have you ever loaded at a boat ramp when the wake of another boat, or a random wave pushes the stern of your boat to one side, and off your trailer? Or loaded in a tidal current?. If you ever do, these guides can be a lifesaver from getting soaked, mad, or frustrated. If you launch from a nice safe secluded site, you will probably never need them, but that one time:rolleyes:
interesting that this topic has come up, I have a 1993 caption victoria,new designation ( explorer 622) my old roadrunner had goal posts with rollers mounted on top of the post, after years of use the rollers wore away at the gel coat[, the old trailer met with an unfortunate accident at the boat launch in Nanaimo 3 weeks ago, total write off, I picked up the new road runner trailer today,roadrunner goal posts are now carpeted bunks, mounted vertically. Boat went on just fine.