Tomic "Cop Car" plugs?

Cuba Libre

Well-Known Member
Its coming up to herring season.... I have been looking for a 4-5 in. plug in a Cop Car pattern. I was told that Tomic made some, but I cant find them.. anyone know??

I was able to find them at Berrys Bait and tackle in Richmond and also some at Riverside fly and tackle in Poco
The 512G is the one from Tomic. The 4" Tubby or the 5" classic work great! If you can get your hand on either the spoon or the's great!

I think Nikka and Berry's had the plugs in Richmond. I bought the Tomic Spoon from Pacific Angler on Broadway.. I know they have it in stock still as I was in to pick up a couple of items.

If you can get your hands on a 5" or 6" Midnight Rider's about the only time I've seen a 6" spoon work on the inside... I know a WCVI troller who runs those Coyotes on the troller specifically when the herring are around......they obviously produce well...better than the Tomics he said!

Heck...a black and white hoochy will do the trick too!
Where does one find a 6" Coyote? I've never been able to find a 6" Coyote anywhere. The largest Coyote spoon I've ever been able to find is a Size 6 Coyote - which measures 4.5 inches.
I think their 6.0 spoon is as big as they come...I haven't seen anything bigger in a store from coyote.
Coyote had bigger models back when their manufacturing was US based-maybe that changed when they went offshore.