Tofino to Hesquiet - Last Minute Surfishing Mission!!

Andrew P

Well-Known Member
Hey Guys,

Well, my wife and kid are away visiting family, the swell and weather look good for this I really have no reason not to go camping to get some surf. It's been way too long.

I've done the trip several times, but have never taken the fishing gear along. I don't really see a lot of point in taking too much food with it us since it is right there for the catching....assuming I get pointed in the right direction!

We'll be leaving tofino at the crack of dawn Saturday morning and coming back Monday eve. So basically it would be great to catch a salmon for Saturday night dinner with leftovers for Sunday Lunch and then maybe hali, or crab for sunday...

If anyone can let me know of a good go-to spot that we could hit on the ride up(insdide passage up to hotsprings and then outside for the rest) for a salmon. Crab spot in Hesquiet Bay? Hali spot for sunday??

Feel free to PM me if you don't want to give locations publicly.

Thanks in advance!
