Tofino Saltwater Classic Fishing Derby

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Just a reminder that the Tofino Saltwater Classic Derby happens this weekend, July 16th and 17th.

Chinook Fishing has been outstanding with Tyees showing this week. We found a 35 and 36 on Saturday A.M. and more have followed....Starting to hand out several Tyee hats now!!

For TSWC Derby information, click on the Banner at the top of this page to get all options and entry details, or call Tofino Fly and Tackle direct for more info.
It looks like the decks will stay clean from the rain this weekend, which is alright....We can expect more fish to move down the coast on us..Derby tickets are nearly sold out, but a few last minute spots left for those still sitting on the edge of the gunwale.....

Congratulations to Lance Desilets and Carmen Sloman for guiding their clients to matching 34.55 lbs Chinooks.. A TIE!!

Unprecedented in Tofino derby history. A great event for a great cause. Lots of Salmon landed. My boat landed 70 Chinooks in 2 days.......

Thanks to Brendan Morrison for sponsoring this derby. Too bad you play for those stinking Calgary Lames. lol
The boys have rebooked for next year. No wonder with fishing like that.
The 2nd Annual Tofino Saltwater Classic was a great success and excellent fishing. 25 Thousand dollars raised for a two day event is exceptional.
Thanks again to Brendan and Erin, Lynda and Shawna for making it all come together.
Also thanks to Rene' and the Shore for hosting a great Meet and Greet on friday night with exceptional appys catered by Red Can Gourmet and Beer supplied direct from Calgary Brewery.
Saturday night dinner and auction was great with items like BMO signed Jersey and Stick, Flames vs Oilers Tickets, Iggy signed Jersey, Willie Mitchell signed Jersey, Jay Bowmeester and Kipper signed sticks, Lowrance and Scotty items, Custom print by Todd Byrnes, Cowichan trip and stay donated by Darren and Ward at Outfitters, many other great items...
Sunday was like a lake (Full of Salmon) with an intense bite all day long. We switched up to Halibut for just over an hour and then back to Salmon. The day ended with a couple of 50's, 40 and 30 Halibut and nice Chinook. Didn't win the derby but my crew might have had the best time.
Looking forward to working with Brendan and others again next year to help make the 3rd annual even better.
For anyone looking to get in on it next year, the tickets will sell out in advance for sure so don't delay.

Will post a couple pics here soon.