Time For A Life Change Nootka Here I Come!!!!


Active Member

Sorry for being very quiet this year and not contributing alot to this site other then moderating but it has been a very busy season with limited fishing trips and many huge life changes however I can now announce my new home and employer I finally get to truly live my ultimate dream not just building dreams but sharing my ultimate passion of the ocean, boating and fishing with many..... [:p][:p][:p]


I will also keep you up to date with our other lodge which will be offering even more in the future to the west coast fishermen / fisherwomen and look forward to hearing what you would like to see or want to be available when west coast fishing out of gold river / nootka sound.


The fish are around but you have to really fish for them plus the 77cm rule inside sucks because you'll be lucky to boat one or two that you can keep and have to release so many with the limited chance of survival another DFO screw up but thats another story. Off shore is heating up and the best is yet to come as everyone says THEY ARE LATE........... Bottom fishing for hali etc has been consistantly good......

I will be in camp starting Thursday @ The Gold River Lodge til mid September and will keep you up to date.

I will be reporting now on a regular basis on the gear thats working.

I do have email and will respond not only to those that want to book a charter or plan on staying with us.

Sorry if anyone feels this is spamish but I wanted all members to know where I've been and where I'll be :D

Cheers Kevin aka MyEscape

ps I want to thank so many from this site that have assisted me to get to where I am today.[8D]

Congrats buddy. I wish you all the best. Drop me a line sometime.

Living the dream
Congrats on the new changes.

Looks like you will be working for Lou Tice.

Sat in on one of the "Investement in Excellence" course and was plesantly surprised. Good course.

Are you just running the lodges, or are you getting involved in other parts of the Pacific Institute???



I am working for Gold River Lodge and have yet to meet everyone invovled. I will be guiding but will also have many other assignments working with the team. Alot is still to be determined at this time. Really excited about what the future holds leave tommorow at 9am for 5 weeks.


Good luck Kevin
See you on the water
Thanks guys for the support, headed to the Lodge in a few hours will be writting a daily fishing report from the lodge starting in a few days. My bosses are aware of moderating SFBC and support me continuing to do so which makes me happy to.

Wishing everyone great trips and tight lines.......

Hope to see and meet many of you at the Lodge or on the water.....

Cheers Kevin aka MyEscape


Email: h00kedonfishing@hotmail.com

Thats all I can say the scenery is so spectacular out here including the sparkling plankton that lights up the water at night like a sky full of twinkling stars. It was a long first day in preperation of a lodge full of in coming guests. Spent lots of time just in awe of this new adventure I have embarked on. The fishing is heating up even inside with the abundance of pilchards running around to the point of being able to catch them right off the dock here at the lodge. The coho have arrived in decent numbers and with some caught in the 15 plus range. As for the Highway off shore hear it was great yesterday today I'll get my chance. I will be on the 33' EagleCraft today with one of the owners today so nothing like a little added pressure on my first real day on the water. I will more then likely be heading off shore for some salmon trolling and bottom fishing. [:p][:p][:p]

Will report later tonight.....

Cheers Kevin aka MyEscape


Email: h00kedonfishing@hotmail.com
Howdy ME,

Good on you Bro!
All the best in your new endeavor.
I'm jealous as hell!

Kevin your a lucky man "Living the dream" we will be up in your neck of the woods from the 9th to 16th say hello if you hear us on the radio.
dragonballs standing by on 16
Hey Kev, see you there on the eve of the 10th. Ill be guiding for you guys on the 11 and 12th.
Rub a dub dub, hogs in the tubb!

hey myescape.....
i just got back from critter after 4 days and only 2 springs, both under 20 lb.. one was a black gumboot.. caught one at the lighthouse and the gumboot at hoisse pt. seems info is hard to get out there.. and there seems to be a system on where and when to fish.. of course i try to find out what the guides are doing that was tough just look for the gradys. but there is a code out there for good reason,too many boats would swarm.
i saw 2 boats hit at bligh isl fishing too close together.
i heard a man threw his wife in the water at critter.
im not sure if thats true?
ive learned that it takes a fisherman to land a coho...
learned a native word.
the girlfriend and i didnt go fishing to the outside as we were alone on the trip and we didnt have a kicker or radar.
where do you go bottom fishing on the inside for halis, ling, and yellow eye?

we met some great people at critter.. at times we saw lots of fish being landed. most in the high 20 s low 30s and were pretty dark. i have new respect for coho as i had 2 at the boat outsmart me..
i used anchovy on a 5 foot liter with purple haze flash. fished anywher from 35 to 70 ft. hugged the walls sometimes and fished in 150 to 200 ft.
next time ill try to have more game.
hope you do well out there and make the most of it!