Thru hull exhaust Yes? No?


I am considering buying a 22ft boat that has been converted to thru hull exhaust. I would never make this retrofit. But since it has already been professionally done, what do you think? Better to avoid it, or good that it has been done?
I have it in mine and love it the only thng I did to modify it was put some SS down spouts that sit in the water at the marina so it didnt sound so loud.
What about the people who live near the water in the harbour who hear the 2 "LOUD" charter boats leaving early all summer long, you think they love it? I'm a mile away at Mariner's and I know when you guys leave every day. It doesn't bother me, I'm already awake. You obviously made the mods to prevent problems with the excessive noise causing you potential grief with the marina and its guests. Personally I would never do this out of respect for others as I know my daily use of my boat involves getting out of the harbour very early (for many) in the morning. I wouldn't want to bring that negativity to myself and my business.
OMG wah wha wah it came tha way thats why I moded it whatever .... performance wise its great and yes its noisy but not that bad the other one well thats a lot more LOL
OMG wah wha wah it came tha way thats why I moded it whatever .... performance wise its great and yes its noisy but not that bad the other one well thats a lot more LOL
I do not have any idea of what you are saying.
"Refering to someone on here saying I dont care"

Well for performance wise it adds WAY more HP as there is less back pressure when its thru the leg you lose HP mine has a volvo muffler system which it Ts off of and elbows out to the back corners of the boat and i added some custom pipes because at the dock it was too loud even for me and others around and it was the only thing I could do.
Here is what it looks like with engine out and before and after I added the down spouts so you can see what i tried to do if you have any question feel free to call me and ill answer what I know regarding this.

I think ill head to the airport now and ask the airplanes not to fly over my friends house cause its too NOISY!!!! see where that gets me.....


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WELL wOLF--AS i GET OLDER i HEAR LESS;;, BUT after having spent most of my life at the race track and on the dyno I have learned that less backpressure does not always increase horsepower and no back pressure lowers horsepower...I bow to your vast fishing knowledge, but you ain,t no Indy mechanic-LOL By the way- nice work on your marine exhaust system!
Better then Bassets! I miss my old V-Drive Flat.
Switch back and forth, quiet in the marina, loud off shore.

Roy didn't say you "don't care" I just asked you if you think the people who live on the harbour love it as much as you do. I also simply stated that I wouldn't have that system and invite the potential negativity towards me and my business. I guess it is ok for you to wah wah about boats leaving the public ramp and making your boat bounce at the dock but someone else can't bring up an opinion about the noise 2 boats make early in the morning. Just saying!!! :O
Again you miss the point and has nothing to do with me trying to fill my boat while there is a sign saying SLOW WAKE but hell if i spill gas everywhere guess that doesnt matter i guess .... kinda off the point he asked about thru hull which I have on my boat Which you do not have and yet you chine in insulting just defending you started it...

WOW love that SS that looks cool From what ive researchd and read before with thru hull on "WATER" it increases HP but if im wrong ill accept that but have heard and read otherwise

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my comment was on back pressue-not thru hull---I have raced flatbottoms and hydro hull boats and truly love the sound of horsepower. Let common sense rule where one excersizes the throttle no matter what exhaust. I personally think that the no wake courtesy is a matter of common sense, but seems to be the most flagrant disregaurd for others that I see on our waterways. Everyone seems to think NO WAKE only applies to others!
AHHH ok thanks for that i thought what i read I was mistaken about this type of system... thanks agian for clearing that up... BUT will tip my hat to you race car junkies you know how to get the most out of an engine and make em go i have a buddy who did it and he wont even tell me the secrets of it all. id like to tap into that knowledge.
Im sure the same with tinkering of engines thats the fun of doing all this kinda stuff....

The photo shown by Canso we call Captains Choice or Captains call. The devise on top of the exhaust controls a value which directs the exhaust flow. They are commonly used on high Hp (twin 600, 502 , 492 eng) IB. Most of my friends use them on Okanogan lake so once they leave the marina they hit the Captains call button and it turns into air exhaust. It increase your power flow but by only a minor (5%+-) amount but the noise makes them feel like it's massive power. I usually can hear them coming before I see the boat.

If your creating lots of HP that means lots of gas in and in turn you must get lots of exhaust out and it cannot go out a small hole. If your running 500 hp that 5% is 25hp more if your giving it, but if you only running -3000 rmps your only producing 1/3 the hp and the 5% + addtional power isn't that much.

I have a place on the lake and I'd prefer not to hear them, but luckily the guys running on Ok lake usually never get out onto the water until noon so I still can sleep in.
Doug we both are on the same page. When I'm awake and on the boat the noise doesn't bother me at all. But if I was working a night shift and trying to get some sleep in one of the homes on the water I would mind the noise. For about a year straight we had a guy on a very loud Hog that used to pass our house at 3:30am almost every morning. There was no way to sleep through the noise unless you were passed out from a major bender. I used to many people has this one guy woken up on his way from A to B each morning? I feel guilty having to fire up my Dodge Cummins in the morning...I don't even warm it up, just get in and go to keep the noise to a minimum.