This little cutie pie doesn't know it yet, but....


Well-Known Member
She's going to be spending the next decade of her life hiking in and out of river canyons and exploring lots of nooks and crannies in my boat:

She's known as a "Bi Blue"---I'm told that's a very rare color combo in the Shetland Sheep Dog world

Check out these eyes---they'd melt in your mouth!

Here's Mom and Dad---both were show dogs. The Mom is an absolute doll. You can see the genetic combo of the coloration that the puppy got from both of them

Not sure what her name will be yet---I pick her up tomorrow ---just spent the weekend puppy-proofing the back yard

Kind of mixed emotions going on here ---just lost my last Sheltie on Mother's Day.... that arrow is still stuck right in the center of my heart, but it's spring and life goes on

That poignant dynamic was not lost on me yesterday---I went to visit her grave (to make sure the coyotes hadn't dug it up) and look who I found hanging around the grave site:

Does that say springtime and rebirth or what????
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It's called the circle of life my friend! Excellent picture.
Funny you should bring that vid up---I'm going to pick up a vest for her tomorrow---it's got that suitcase handle on the top

The first vest I had didn't have that handle---NOT a good idea---almost lost my last dog in white water rapids and a few summers ago, in Hardy Bay---handle on the vest from now on for sure!
Very nice post and a lovely pup.

Thanks for sharing.

Take care.
She's a cutie!! Cant wait to read about your guys new adventures. :)

Very sorry to hear about your Sheltie, love your trip reports, looks like she had really fun life. More adventure then most people.
It would seem as tho you have found a new partner....loosing one after so many years and tears is a tough nut to deal with...that be said a new one brings on new adventures and learning curves...I'm sure you will have your hands full....Best o fun.
Thanks for that, Mike. Took the plunge and picked her up last week---just like having a child all over again --- work!

She's really skittish, but I did manage to get her out in the boat---thought I'd try and get her used to the water while she's still a pup

You can see how thrilled she was in her new PFD:

it'll be interesting to see how she acts when she's on a river or in the woods-- jumpy dog---just a passing car makes her do back-flips on her leash

here she is hiding in the bushes---

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Lots of new things going on in her life-and she just left the pack-take a week or so till you're the pack. You always forget how much work a new pup is-but so much fun to watch them develop.
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This is my boating companion and I on our way home after visiting pal Peter who lives in Granny Painter's old house......right under that big tree showing above Buddy's head.
It's great having my old 10' Davidson sitting on the beach here so we can jump in it and row around on those nice evenings.

Your little pup looks to be a beauty for sure and I can see lots of fun in the future for you two.

All the best.

Take care.