The Big Picture - by Bob Hooton


Well-Known Member
I find myself scratching my head why Mr. Derby never misses an opportunity to take a jab at Steelhead Voices......he seems to always be patting himself on the shoulder for all the conservation work he does, yet throws shade at those who sit at the same conservation table he does.

I’m guessing there’s a skeleton in the closet somewhere—-maybe some sour baggage left over from back in the days of the BC Federation of Drift Fishers?
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SH .. i have never patted myself on the back for any of the work or process that Im currently involved in or have been in .. Speculate all you want . its a team game with no room for a 1 man band having learned a long time ago its a thankless job were every body has something to say or criticism & its usually those that dont particapate... perhaps yourself being one? I find it funny as Bob at this point has just about Aliened every person or group that doesnt drink his cool aid & now finds that pretty much public enemy #1 to the public sport fishery is his new bestie.. I personal find humor in for the state of steelhead there is nothing humerous about the current state PERIOD.
Public Enemy # 1 to the sports fishery I think is an unfair characterization. As you know, the Skeena was his baliwick for numerous years when he lived in Smithers....I saw him regularly on the Skeena and Bulkley back in the 80’s fishing with his dad so at least he had the street cred of also being a fisherman...

I suspect it’s precisely because of all the work he did on the Skeena systems that he is so vociferous and in management’s face when he sees the glaring evidence of stunning neglect and mismanagement of the wild steelhead resource since he retired

If you had been a fishery manager for FLNRORD in August, 2021, would you have allowed the rec fishery (translation = lodges and guides) to proceed?

I remind you, the Tyee Test Results projected 5,800 returning steelhead. In 1992, the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committe, based on projections of aggregate steelhead smolt production for the mainstem Skeena and its tributaries and calculations taking into account the available square kilometers of spawning habitat, estimated a wild adult steelhead carrying capacity (potential production) of 80,000 to 120,000 adults. Let’s be conservative and cut that number in half—- 40,000 —-60,000 adult wild steelhead.

Now, all of a sudden the Tyee Test Numbers in 2021 are projecting a 90% decline in returning adult wild steelhead to the Skeena system

Now, as a fishery manager for FLNRORD, you get to chose one of Two Doors:

Door No 1: Public Enemy No. 1.

Door No. 2: Lodge Owner Lapdog
Just what the hell do you find funny about this situation DEREK?
Appreciate you recognize that laughing @ someone when involved in professional mature debates is childish. Thanks for the 72 laugh emoticons on my posts, nog - it's really helping me up my reaction score! :)
Okay be crystal clear if you are thinking that I saying BH is public enemy #1 that was not my intention.. Greg Taylor would be in my personal opinion..second of all i really dont need you to finger wag me on the details of Mr. Hooten as I am fully of aware of the what where and how of Bob and he has done some remarkable things in his career .. That being said i find it funny how you throw the BCFDF at me in your pervious post as in whatever infomation your recieved could only come from a couple people & Bob being one of them as he is on and active on this forum or a couple of his finger puppets.. I personal really dont care what his or others thoughts are about the BCFDF

It is funny how the **** is always thrown at everyone else from that side but u rarely see the rational folks throwing insults and ect the other way and other groups... remembering we should be working at a solution as a team .. I'll put to u this way as you have spend many years back in the day on the Thompson river, the Lodge Cabin classic, you saw 3 different tables or groups drinking there.... the fly guys, gear guys and the Kingfishers... who always started the **** show and it continues today... Most sadly i spend probably 25 plus years on the thompson this very weekend every year ( with some of the best people i ever met) to most likely never get the fish the best place on the planet for the greatest fish ever.. it now comes down to a pissing contest :(
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You make some good points, SH. I would like to pick up on the "vociferous' defense.

I would acknowledge that all of us posting on this forum care deeply about fish; that fish are an emotional topic; and that I think everyone gets frustrated with lies from government officials and industry pundits. I don't think any one person gets to wield that frustration to become the sole hero and sole voice in fisheries management. I would also add that we all have something to offer wrt insights/experience/info on the management of wild stocks, and no one person has all the answers and we should therefore give up our ability to think rationally for ourselves.

And finally the resolution of this topic obviously requires the co-operation of other user groups and teamwork. Attacking and demeaning other voices does not generate trust nor the willingness to work together - that should be obvious - so is this a successful strategy to resolve a fisheries issue, or is it rather someone letting their ego loose?

We all should take advantage of whatever dependable data/science to make adaptive and timely changes to the fisheries management regime, and that sometimes means we need to consider alternative hypothesis and let other voices have a say at the table.

In the recent words of Carl Walters:

"Do your own thinking; do your own reading; do your own analysis. Don't trust anybody - and don't trust simple-minded answers that people give you."
well said Agentaqua could not agree with u more... Untill all the stake holders can sit around the table and have meanful dialogue were are stuck in this current pickle...
Thanks for keeping us posted OBD. I just wish that the DFO managers and those who continue this farce could be held accountable. Never though that "conservation" would come down to this.