That never happened before


Well-Known Member
Great start,sad middle, decent ending. Decided to give the afternoon a try yesterday. Got to the spot dropped the gear down near bottom and 30 seconds later rod was pounding.
Grabbed the rod tried to bust it from quick release. two failed attempts and it was obvious it was already of and it was a BIGGY! No run ,dead weight with some big head shakes. Me thinks we got an accidental Halibut.1 hour later and many trips back to bottom later we get a look. 50lb plus Halli. did not like the sun and lets do it again. Oh OH harpoon is at home.

Big thanks goes to the folks that swung in close and gave us one to use.
Over an hour now and we get our shot. cleat the end of harpoon line to boat ,take aim and go for it. Perfect shot right through and we got him. Wait Wait are we sure??? Fish goes nutz. soaks me, launches for bottom,tears harpoon rope from my hand and hits the end of the rope (securely fastened to boat.) The rope breaks at the point that it is tied to the wire with the arrow head, leader breaks fish gone. I have harpooned about 20 Halibut up to about 53 before and never had one do that.Never dreamed I would need to Scotchman my harpoon line for a 50-60 pound fish but will have that ready for the next one.

Nearly tears in my eyes, knot in my guts and a look of amazement and shock fell over us. My plug floats to top and we get it back,push re-start and proceed to box 3 nice fat low teen springs and a 12ish Coho.

Great few hours on the boat and a little less vacuum packing to do wen we got home. Still a little sad knowing it had a big hole in it's guts and now is food for something other than me.

Side note: had an arrow head with rope on board so was able to give the folks a complete set back after the tears where wiped away

Still fishing to enjoy and weather to allow for it folks. don't put the gear away yet.

Too bad, $hit sure does happen...
had a similar thing happen about 4 years ago on our first big Halibut.
my buddy sweat his balls off trying to get the 100+ to the boat and
I missed the shot and hit him in the bone behind the head.
The fish went nuts and sounded breaking the line on the way down.
I can sympathize
Sorry to hear. I have rope on mine, right through the arrow head, rather than wire. I feel more comfortable with rope for some reason.