Tent City in my Cuddy!


Well-Known Member
Nope. Couldnt be rodents or a racoon. These little pricks are striped...and stingy... and nasty. Lots of them.
It seems these guys will set up camp anywhere they want. Problem is they have set up their crappy paper tent just inside the door and around the corner. Cant evict with a spray can.
Hurling insults has no effect.
Have organized protests and petitions to have them removed but with no success.
Filed a complaint with BC Health as these squatters obviously do not abide by physical distancing guidelines-no response.
RCMP will not intervene as this is a touchy situation with the "yellowjacket lives matter" movement
Feel like I have exhausted all options to handle this myself. May need to call in a "mediator".

In all seriousness, has anyone had success removing nests from their boats themselves?
I'm open to all options, except fire bombing....maybe....
Early am when still cold as they’re not very active til it gets warm. Soak a beach towel and have a large bucket of water ready or, if your boat is moored, a clear path to the water. Where heavy clothes w/ socks and gloves tucked in - ie little or no skin exposes. Quickly wrap nest in soaking towel and quickly pull it off (make sure you get it all, not rip it in two!) then dunk it in the bucket of water or the water next to your boat. Should be able to drown them while they’re dozing in the early am. Worked for me for nests around home.


Get at them from a hatch or window??. Don't know if you can still get them, but maybe a fogger that you set off and then leave the area for a few hours.
Around the house I sometimes use the shopvac with great success but that might be tricky if you keep your boat in a slip. A handheld or 12 volt portable might work. You need to block off there exit after you turn things off.
There's the spray can you buy that contains a lethal foam spray. Buy it at home hardware, CT any department stores.
You can just about pick them out of the air with that stuff. Lethal.
Bastards got me in the ear last Sunday while having a bbq.
Then today while changing a seal for the prop shaft for 9.9 2 stroke one got me in the right elbow.
**** me off.
Suit up and get at them. Don't be afraid of a few stings. Unless you are allergic then have someone else do it. Had the same issue, but we were on anchor a few miles out when the 5th hornet told me it was no incidental hornet in boat. Laying on back I found the nest under the dash. Kids hid very well while dad took it for the team, tore down and over the side in one move. Have lots of stories about me and hornets over the years, have 3 huge paper wasp nests in trophy room, imagine how I got them, I am not allergic after 22 stings in 2 mins?

Not sure how big your nest is but my recommendation if you want to use boat, suit up in clothing covering all skin as best as possible, go out on the coldest very early morning you can find (rain forecast for next weekend for some of BC) with a hornet nest raid can and let them have it. Then exit stage left and wait for clean up.

Good luck. Please give us a follow up on how it went, including number of bites, stings.

Wait till dark early am. Put plastic bag over nest and pull off. Then do what you want with them. Make sure you scrape and clean off the wax spot the build the hive off. Yellow jacket raid sucks in Cuddy. Smell like diesel. I know from experience. Pulling nest off when the workers are out is not a good idea as the come back looking for home. Been there done that
What Salmonkiller said. I just removed one about the size of a very large cantaloupe off my greenhouse. These were the large black ones but no problem. I sprayed Raid wasp spray in a doubled store plastic bag and hit them at 5:30 am when they were all at home and sleeping. I sprayed the stuff into their entrance hole, stuck the bag over the nest and scraped it off the greenhouse with a wide putty knife, into the bag.
Mission accomplished!
Could you move your trailer and boat during the day to a different neighbourhood? Then while they’re out working they will come back to no home and they’ll have to move on.
Could you move your trailer and boat during the day to a different neighbourhood? Then while they’re out working they will come back to no home and they’ll have to move on.
Next thing you know they will be living in a tent in the park
Inside the cuddy (and well around the corner of the door) i have a snapped on sheet of vinyl that covers the back of the gauges and the helm. Thats where i think they are.
Going at them Rambo style will basically corner me in the bow. Pulling the nest would not work as all my wiring is woven in it. Took a count, there's about 1 wasp every 2 seconds flying in or out. think its a big'un.
Was looking for a fogger or a bomb style poison but couldnt find one.
Got my first week off in over a year and I would prefer not to spend it looking like a 2nd coming of puberty.

I think I'll call in the pros. Definitely will be snapping some pics of the aftermath though.
I had a large nest in my gear box on my hunting trailer, they had woven a massive nest through and around a spool of rope, thing was massive! There was no way other than a few cans of foam to get it done. By the sounds of it I think the pros are a good call, that foam stinks and I wouldn’t want that in my Cuddy. Good luck with the extermination