Telegraph Cove Fire


Well-Known Member
Sadly some of the buildings are lost along with some of the boardwalk. It looks like the museum and a few other buildings are engulfed. Tough to say from the photo.

My old Fire Department sent me this photo.

Will see if I can get some updates, but they are pretty busy.... They sent out a warning on FB to the looky looks to stay away as they are getting in the way.....

*Public Safety Announcement*
Please stay out of Telegraph Cove while our crews are working. People going down to watch is hindering our crews effort to extinguish. Unfortunately parts of the boardwalk have been lost.

Sad sad day for sure...heard there may have been a buyer also?
Last time son and I were up in the boats, Sept long 2021
Might never be rebuilt

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Pub can be rebuilt.
The museum will be difficult. I know Gordy was trying to sell the place. Not sure if he did.
My kids grew up fishing there.
Also grew up fishing there, have a few days booked to take our first born up there this summer - hoping the damage isn’t beyond repair.
Incredibly saddened by the extensive fire at Telegraph cove this morning. It has been a favorite destination of mine for decades. My deepest condolences to the owners.
Lots of building lost including the museum, homes, restaurant/pub and the boardwalk. The burning boardwalk slowed down crews and the lack fire suppression equipment on site (no hydrants) meant that water had to be trucked in. Port Hardy, Hyde Creek and even Alert bay FD's are providing support. Long road to overhaul the place!

When we left McNeill, the ladies hockey team that my wife played for gave her this as a going away present. One of her teammate's mom painted this and it now hangs above the bed. It will now be our reminder of what it used to be. One of of our favorite places to hang out!


Oh man, that is heartbreaking! Huge huge loss to the tourism community on the NI. I hope they rebuild.
Lot’s of memories for me from that place including buying timbers and lumber from the Wastell Mill which was still operating at the time and towing the bundle back to the Pulteney Point lighthouse for my first home built over fifty years ago. The building that recently housed the restaurant was a huge drying shed and you could pick out your boards from the piles. I took my first open water SCUBA dive around 1977 off the end of the fuel float and down to 60’ where a school bus rested. Also did some whale watching and Robson Bight beach cleanups in those early days aboard the old Gikumi that Jim and Mary Borrowman restored to pristine condition.