Take 2 Site Hack

  • Thread starter Thread starter SIR
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It appears I can't post the full source code as the site tries to interprete the code so here is the closest I can get with the command characters stripped.

I'm assuming that someone has figured out how to upload new content to the sportfishingbc.com website and done a minor hack to the site as the site tab now lists as "Sex Toys".

Here is the code that has been changed effecting the tags and Search engine stuff:

title Sex Toys - Saltwater Fishing Forum title
meta name="copyright" content="This Forum code is Copyright (C) 2000-06 Michael Anderson, Pierre Gorissen, Huw Reddick and Richard Kinser, Non-Forum Related code is Copyright (C) Sex Toys"

These two meta tags are on the top of the code for each page of the website. The title tag list what should be displayed by the browser for the webpage tab while the meta name tag is used by search engines.

Some of the border displays have also been changed:

src="http://www.sportfishingbc.com/forum/sfbcforumpic.gif" border="0" alt="Sex Toys" title="Sex Toys"

You should change the information in these fields back to what it was for each page of the website, re-upload and change your FTP passwords.

Not sure if you sent an email to My Escape so I did.
cc'd TT
Minor hack you just have to wonder why they do it.
Good eye SIR I missed it completely
No kidding...you would think that they would have something better to do...kinda funny though.
Sir...could you please explain for those of us not so computer literate what is required to remove the problem...in layman terms is what i am saying i guess
If whoever is going to upload the changes needs any help they can just call me at the Resort 604-414-6880.
I've emailed the mods a couple of times about similar suspected hacking problems.

I viewed the site on my blackberry (ferry lineup, what else is there to do?), and the bberry views the html code differently I guess. On the main page, I would get pages and pages of **** links, then at one point they changed to prescription medicine, then back to ****. These were hidden in the computer browser, but they were there.

When I wrote about this, a day later was that hacking attack, so I'm betting there's some kind of malicious code that gets activated if you try to remove the hack. Yikes.

Why do they do it? I think it has to do with creating spam in some way. It is also probably related to search result placement, because the more links you have on the web, the better your site does in google. But probably mostly because it is "fun", the nerd equivalent of sneaking into a locked office building and rooting around at night. The rush of doing something bad....they need a more productive hobby, hey, like fishing!
Back in February I was trying to log in from Hawaii, but the hotel public computer would not let me access the SFBC site due to "adult content" or something like that. I'm wondering for how long has this been going on.
Can someone fix this nonsense [xx(]
Thank you for taking the time to clean this issue up. As we all know, if we want **** or toys, there are thousands of sites to go play at. On the other side a good picture of a spring and a chick are always acceptable

Sorry for the delay with me being away. I am in discussions with site admin to be given full open admin entry vs just moderation so I can fix things alot more promptly. We also discussed the speed of the site uploading and that is a high priority next to be fixed. Thanks for all the emails

Best Regards