Swiftsure Conservation Boundry

the fog ducker

Well-Known Member

programming my electronics , i am wanting to program the closed area to the Swiftsure Bank , thers only 4 co-ordinates ,
the dfo map shows the East side to be curved slightly , which would mean more co-ordinates , heres the ones i found on there site

Those waters that are inside a line that begins at a white square boundary sign located approximately 0.8 nautical miles west of Owen Point, then to 48°32.45’ north latitude and 124°32.05’ west longitude, then to the Port San Juan Light and Whistle Buoy, then to Woods Nose, then across Port San Juan to a white square boundary sign at 48°33.23’ north latitude and 124°28.55’ west longitude will be closed to all finfishing August 15 to Labour Day in September.

map link http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/fm-gp/rec/tidal-maree/swiftsuremap-eng.htm


The curved line to the east is the U.S. border, it should show on the chart already. Your not supposed to fish that side anyway, they don't have much of a sense of humor.
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hey fd....here are the coordinates for the Swiftsure closed area. The one you quoted is for the Port San Juan (Port Renfrew) closure.....

Area 121: A reminder to recreational harvesters, that the waters of Swiftsure Bank, inside a line from 48°34.00'N and 125°06.00'W, thence to 48°34.00'N and 124° 54.20'W, thence to 48°29.62'N and 124°43.40'W, thence following the International Boundary between Canada and the U.S. to 48°29.55'N and 124° 56.20'W, thence in a straight line to the point of commencement, are closed to all finfish, all year.

all done now ,figured it out...


hey fd....here are the coordinates for the Swiftsure closed area. The one you quoted is for the Port San Juan (Port Renfrew) closure.....

Area 121: A reminder to recreational harvesters, that the waters of Swiftsure Bank, inside a line from 48°34.00'N and 125°06.00'W, thence to 48°34.00'N and 124° 54.20'W, thence to 48°29.62'N and 124°43.40'W, thence following the International Boundary between Canada and the U.S. to 48°29.55'N and 124° 56.20'W, thence in a straight line to the point of commencement, are closed to all finfish, all year.