suzukis are hangin!

Island Fish Lifter

Well-Known Member
I just hung them this morning. Ive spent the last couple of weeks wiring, installing guages, controll box etc...
I made some design changes on the transom.
If you scroll over to the right on the pic, youll see some close ups of the transom.
These units are 600lbs each! I got them in 30" shafts, my transom is 25". I raised them 5" higher,
the idea being that the powerheads will be that much farther from the water.
Off shore during a rippin westerly and a following sea can be a bit "hairy".
I dont want any chance of water getting to the bottom cylinders. Sea trials next weekend!
They came with 23 pitch props which suprises me, since these units came off a 31 ft boat.
I expect to have to pitch them down to about 17, maybe 19 for my 26.5'.
Ill have to see what rpms I get with em and go from there.
Sweet looking set!!!

What is with the christmas lights set up on the boat???

It also amazes me that we need 500 hp to move the boat, but can troll with a 9.9. Not takin a shot at you or anybody else, just an observation.

If I had the cash and the money for fuel. I would do the same thing.
Sweet! [8D]how many litres/hr/speed? guesses? before you get it nailed down?
Sweet! [8D]how many litres/hr/speed? guesses? before you get it nailed down?
most people say "wow, thats going to be the fastest boat out there". Trust me, thats the farthest thing from my mind.
The idea is that I will be able to cruise at a minimal throttle position, thereby maximizing fuel economy/ engine life.
Oh yea, I am a mechanic by trade(marine and heavy duty).
I do have a good idea what Im talking about (not trying to be rude). I had twin 200 evinrude ocean pros before and I burnt 100L/ hr. plus oil.
I had to cruise at 30 mph to keep within the horsepower curve to keep it up on step.
I expect with these 4 strokes, I should be able to cruise at as little as 16 gph, and not burn any oil,
provided I pitch it correctly(prop pitch).
most people say "wow, thats going to be the fastest boat out there". Trust me, thats the farthest thing from my mind.
The idea is that I will be able to cruise at a minimal throttle position, thereby maximizing fuel economy/ engine life.
Oh yea, I am a mechanic by trade(marine and heavy duty).
I do have a good idea what Im talking about (not trying to be rude). I had twin 200 evinrude ocean pros before and I burnt 100L/ hr. plus oil.
I had to cruise at 30 mph to keep within the horsepower curve to keep it up on step.
I expect with these 4 strokes, I should be able to cruise at as little as 16 gph, and not burn any oil,
provided I pitch it correctly(prop pitch).
great motors you will love how quite they are and the bottom torque is great.
great motors you will love how quite they are and the bottom torque is great.