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I have 2x Suzuki 16x21.5 left rotation in excellent condition for sale 1000$ for both or OBO, sold please delete
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Just so you know, not all Suzuki Watergrips have the brand name stamped on their hub. There was a run of Watergrips that just had the diameter and pitch stamped on the hub in the normal manner but no mention of WG

Here’s a close up of a 16 x 18.5”

In my experience, the “1903” and “1904” stamped on the spline collar seems to correlate with the fact that the prop is indeed a WG (just my experience—-never had that confirmed by a prop shop or by Suzuki so take with a grain of salt; there might be other numbers stamped to confirm it’s a WG)
I have a pair of 16x18.5 “ props on my twin DF300’s and neither has WG stamped on them but I have received multiple confirmations that they are in fact WG’s
It’s important to understand and take clear note of the difference—-you CANNOT take a non- WG propeller and just swap it out with a WG propeller (or vice-Versa)
You’ll need a special hub to place on the shaft when installing a WG prop in place of Non-WG prop—-there’s a space nut that has to be installed
The link to a YT vid below shows this clearly
Just so you know, not all Suzuki Watergrips have the brand name stamped on their hub. There was a run of Watergrips that just had the diameter and pitch stamped on the hub in the normal manner but no mention of WG

Here’s a close up of a 16 x 18.5”

In my experience, the “1903” and “1904” stamped on the spline collar seems to correlate with the fact that the prop is indeed a WG (just my experience—-never had that confirmed by a prop shop or by Suzuki so take with a grain of salt; there might be other numbers stamped to confirm it’s a WG)
I have a pair of 16x18.5 “ props on my twin DF300’s and neither has WG stamped on them but I have received multiple confirmations that they are in fact WG’s
It’s important to understand and take clear note of the difference—-you CANNOT take a non- WG propeller and just swap it out with a WG propeller (or vice-Versa)
You’ll need a special hub to place on the shaft when installing a WG prop in place of Non-WG prop—-there’s a space nut that has to be installed
The link to a YT vid below shows this clearly
View attachment 106256|02||1427c887974e49b9490808dc76b69c81|84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa|1|0|638515773958438968|Unknown|TWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0=|0|||&sdata=H/hst/FByHJD5KY1v6wm3jDVbPcXB8tnLbv8VH0M81I=&reserved=0
Just went through this, had to go get a different trust washer and spacer to make my new one fit, I do have all the hardware from the other props
It’s a huge PITA for me….I already had an “L” and a “R” non-WG pair of Suzuki 16x18.5’s ——I have those as spares for my WG props on the DF300’s. If I have to swap one out, I’ll need to not only remove that splined nut at the top of the WG but also add the thrust washer underneath the prop. Can’t wait to do that while out on the water with some wave action…ha ha
It’s a huge PITA for me….I already had an “L” and a “R” non-WG pair of Suzuki 16x18.5’s ——I have those as spares for my WG props on the DF300’s. If I have to swap one out, I’ll need to not only remove that splined nut at the top of the WG but also add the thrust washer underneath the prop. Can’t wait to do that while out on the water with some wave action…ha ha
I would just limp home on one leg, and worry about it at the dock lol, that’s what twins are for