Sunshine coast- dogfish, flounder, mackerel


New Member
Hey all, new on the forum since I don't do a ton of saltwater fishing in BC but fish 200+ days a year in the interior lakes and rivers as well as lots of past saltwater fishing. Im heading down to the Sunshine coast just after easter weekend last week of April. I love fishing for whatever will bite because I just love fishing. Ive looked at the regs/fishing reports/costs and Im happy to sit on some beaches, piers or rocks and fish for dog fish flounder and mackerel. I have everything I need for each species but have never been to the area so any pointers would be good, preferred baits, easy access .....or hard to access fishing spots. Ive got 4 days to explore top to bottom and will be fishing ruby lake as well but thats not what Im here for. I also like to support local businesses and always like to check out tackle shops when Im anywhere new, any fishing stores tackle shops I should check out while Im there? happy to trade info on the interior lakes around loops summer or winter.
The only Mackerel you're going to catch will be if someone throws you a can there are none on the Inside to speak of.

For the rest a chunk of meat (any kind and I mean any) fished on a sliding rig right on the bottom should bring results-look for a sandy bottom.
Catch a few shiners from the dock, keep in a bucket, and then hook some big hooks through one and fling it way off the dock. Let it sit for a while, and you might catch some big bottom fish. There's a good dock if I remember correctly at the far end of the peninsula near the rapids. Skookumchuck I think.
Catch a few shiners from the dock, keep in a bucket, and then hook some big hooks through one and fling it way off the dock. Let it sit for a while, and you might catch some big bottom fish. There's a good dock if I remember correctly at the far end of the peninsula near the rapids. Skookumchuck I think.

Used to slay big lings and cabezon off the eggmont pier using shiners after days of diving with my old man. Lots of good memories doing that. Ling and rockfish will be closed last week of April still so I would stick to sandy bottom Piers and flounder /sole .
Plan was to head to the sandy areas and cast some baits and lures for flounder and sole and drop a bait on the bottom for the dogfish. Aware that rockfish and ling are closed to wont be fishing jigs over rocks. For dogfish do they have teeth? light wire or heavy mono for leader?
Dogfish have small but very sharp teeth, light wires not a bad idea if targeting them specifically with bait. They usually don't show up on SC until the warmer summer months but you never know, it was 17 the other day lol. Should be lots of sole around the sandy areas.

I think you can rent row boats at the ruby lake resort, no idea how much. If you troll or row around and cast flies or lures toward the lake edge and retrieve you should be able to find a cutty or three.
If you're fishing with meat don't use too big a chunk something the size of your thumbnail is fine.

People will use Mussels they've pried off the rocks & smashed open that stuff works well.