Strangest thing you have found in the stomach of a fish

LOL. We may have to ask for pictures to back up some of these stories.

Anything shiny that falls in front of a scavenger may get grabbed.

I took another look at that frog last night (yes, I kept it) to see if it had any hook marks in it or any sign that it may have been a bass lure. There were no signs that it had ever been put on a hook.

Some interesting stuff.

A very small crab in a large spring off B Head, there was nothing else inside the stomach - I guess it was hungry.
A gold hake like minnow with big silver eyes in a few springs off Constance Bank.
In a big spring was them pile perch you catch as a kid on the docks dont know where he was as it was up in upper knight inlet?? and they were fresh,another time a HUGE tumor about the size of a softball... (gave the fish away) grossed me out,

a whole mackerel once in a 15 llber

in halibut a few different things octopus beaks ,beer tops,rocks,
and in both many hooks spoons etc even a tomic plug once!!!

weird stuff out there
When I was a young lad about 6 years old my dad's buddy told me a story. I'm 50 now and I remember being amazed when he told me the story like it happened yesterday.

"One day I was fishing for trout off the logging road bridge over the Sarita River. I wear false teeth you know... and there I was looking over the side of the bridge when my damn teeth fell out into the river. I kept on fishing and a little later I caught a good trout and I'll be damned if that thing wasn't wearing my teeth." I remember standing there looking up at this fellow and just eating that story up with a mental image in my head of a trout wearing false teeth with a big old grin on it's face. LOL
when i was a kid fishing for coho in qualicum in my canoe there was a huge black ant hatch and got several coho that had dozens of black ants in them
The glasses fell from my grandfathers pocket, they were swallowed by the salmon and the salmon was caught by my brother. Glasses were recovered at the cleaning table later that day from the stomach of the salmon...... Not Joking

Wow that is unreal, shoulda bought a lottery ticket that day!
ripped open lucky lager can in the stomach of a 70 lb halibut west side of langara last year. trollers were out there so im sure they were the source.

one guide broke off a purple haze herring teaser head on a spring one day then I got the same fish 2 days later with the teaser down in the bottom of its gut.

15 lb hatchery buck steelhead with a stomach full of grey feathers I assume from a dipper bird.
A pike with a a baby duckling and another pike with a full size green wing teal.

Caught a 22 lbs laker with a 15" rainbow half in it gut, the rainbow was still flopping, so we had that for dinner that night. Figured the laker hit the rainbow, then came back for the plug.

After a Mountain Pine Beetle flight, caught rainbows that were so full, they were as wide as they were long and could hardly swim....we called them beachballs instead of footballs.

Hali with hake, salmon and snapper in it gut.


rockfish in Sooke Harbour with a big wad of bubble gum and a pull tab from a pop can. I think he had been hanging out near the docks.
Gutted a 39lb ling that had a 10lb ling in it & inside it had a 3lb rock cod.......forgot to open up the rock fish too badly digested