Strange Coho


Well-Known Member
My Friend and his family went to Port Renfrew. They caught 7 coho and one sockeye. They kept the strange hatchery coho. He sent the head to the head recovery program.

It's a genetic defect. Not common in hatchery fish, but it can be seen occasionally. You were lucky enough to catch one.
Put the right glasses on him and he's Bubbles. Did you catch him off the trailer park?
We used to weed out pin heads and other mutations far more often than we do now at the hatchery.
Which is a good thing... Not too often they live that long allessed up
I was a professional Aquaculture. This coho is deformed that was born that way or someone was put the microchip pin in the head so hard.. My friend said that it was 8 lbs.

I had have see some fish are deformed, they are growing healthy and able to breed them. It does not carry the bad genetic.

I called it was an alien ( Ridley Scott) LOL.