Stainless Jump Ring Soldering ?

the fog ducker

Well-Known Member

just received my SS 3/8in Jump Rings , looking to replace on some of my gear , flashers spoons etc , dont like the split ring jobby's,
bought a good micro torch , was told i could mend the rings closed via silver solder ???

, don't know what type of solder and flux
is required ??

tried ' Silver Bearing Lead free Solder " with no flux - did not work , had the ring glowing red at one point lol , no stick ??

anyone have experience with this


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First you will need the siver solder which comes in wire rolls about 1/16 th diameter and you will need the paste for flux. Put the paste around the weld area and heat but not cherry red, that is too hot, when the paste turns clear and fluid it should be hot enough to touch the wire to and melt a dab on the joint if the heat is right the wire should flow into the joint. Remember you do not want cherry red just before is the hottest you will want.
I will check my supplies at home and get you the info on what you need, after work today.
We grew up soldering rings for Ed @ Palco Products and Tom @ Tomic Lures. Use Silver Solder and Borax if you cant find proper Flux(paste). You can get it at most large industrial suppliers(Acklands) ,welding supplies and plumbing/refrigeration outfitters.
It takes a bit of the touch to adjust a torch/heat, the hotter you get the ring the more likely it will bend after. Make sure the ring closes tightly. It takes the right amount(little) of solder to stick n flow properly. So I recommend to practice on similar material before using them as 'catching' tools.LOL...or you might be dissapointed....
We soldered hanging up with the crack of the ring facing up. We had a circular dish like a covered 20" bike wheel w/small cuphooks all around which allowed the spoons /plugs to hang and solder without damage from the torch and allowed proper cooling by the time you went all around. You spun it and soldered up to 30-40 a spin. We did them by the hundreds in a hour / thousands a day.
I still do some of them once a year for an Uncle who custom builds his own Tuna jigs.:p and the odd time for myself;)