squid fishing-saanich


Well-Known Member
Buddies kid caught squid at Sydney Island wharf in saanich. He said there was a big school right before dark. They were crabbing but he managed to net a few of the 6 " squid.
Does anyone know anything about this??
Are they spawning now?? Is it worth getting a jig and bucket and trying for them??
They must be around in good numbers. Caught a 10# hatch last night on the Oak Bay flats and it was full of small 3-4" squid.

Never tried catching them before -- isn't this a night fishing exercise with a flashlight and a net?
Best time to fish squid is at sun down. They seem to move into shallower water about that time to feed. There is a lure I've used in the Med to fish them called a "poteras". Not sure the name here but I think Trotac has a Japanese version. Its basically a piece of led maybe 3 oz wrapped in a colored thread its cylindrical in shape. At the bottom is a round series of hooks that grab the tennicles. Depth to fish is 20-40 ft normally. When you get a hit, pull up slowly, as they exit the water they'll spit out ink so be mindful of that. 6 Inch in the perfect size for consumption. Clean them, throw them on the grill (don't deep fry), a little olive oil, coarse salt and lemon. A few minutes and they're done. Cut them up into rings/bite size portions and eat...
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