scott craven
Well-Known Member
Spredder bars work pretty good for the small investment.
if it ain't broke don't fix it !
if it ain't broke don't fix it !

Mine does the same thing with a knot.Yes......but this works wayyyyu better and its much easier to stow.
You can also buy pre-made 3 ways from pnt which as wicked. We are talking like 2$ worth of swivels here.
At the risk of hijacking this thread, that sounds interesting. . .got a pick or explanation of how you elastisize your weight to your top shot? Sounds interesting, I'm always scheming to make something better.
FWIW I can't imagine using a spreader for lings in sub 100 fow. I have always just used a 6 oz mooching sinker hard-tied in line, and fished live bait on a 3-4 ft leader of 40 lb. This works fine down to 120 fow or so. I don't have tangle issues but I could see vertically dropping a cut plug could be a mess. Less experienced anglers have snag problems as their bottom awareness isn't that great, but good ones excel with this setup. I don't like the slider because I need to know exactly how far my meat is from my weight all the time.
Thanks for your Drawing. I've always used a spreader bar with 3-4ft of breakaway 30lb on the weight so I can tap the bottom and leave the 18"-24" leader with bait slightly off the bottom. With your set-up when you clip you ball without a breakaway line, is your bait normally right on the bottom or just off the bottom? Not questioning the effectiveness of your set-up just wondering how to fish it as I will be giving it a try.Something more visual to explain. It woks soo well. Sorry for the crap drawing just drew this up real quick.