Sport Fishing Advisory Board - SFAC Area 17 Meeting -Thursday March 5th 7-9pm


Crew Member
Hey guys,

Our spring meeting . Just getting this out early so people can adjust plans to attend. Our numbers attending have been getting larger, so hope to have a good turnout.

Here are the details:

AREA 17 Spring Meeting ( Areas are shown in map below). Note: This is a large amount of area from Nanoose to Crofton that includes some gulf island areas.


Date: Thursday March 5th 7-9 pm

Location: Nanaimo Fish and Game Protective Association (Building to right in main parking lot)

Address: 1325 Nanaimo Lakes Rd, Nanaimo, BC V9X 1X8

Google map link:
(map is also below).


Meeting to discuss a range of issue and updates in area 17 :

Some of the topics will include:

1. Halibut - New regulations.

2. Shellfish - Updates.

3. Chinook Salmon- Updates for 2020 Season.

4. South Resident Killer Whales - Updates

5. Nanaimo Hatchery -Updates

6. Nanaimo River Roundtable Process - Updates

7. Nanaimo River Chinook - COSEWIC Process- Updates

8. MPA Process - Update

Great meeting last night...good seeing some new faces ...thank u to those that showed up and for those that took the time to send regrets :)
The victoria meeting scheduled tonight is going to be webex call in.... see below:

Due to the public gathering restrictions related to the Covid 19 pandemic this important meeting is now a online conference call. Please attend if you can. Call information is below

From: Ryan Chamberland <>
Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2020 1:04 PM
To: Ryan Chamberland <>
MEETING NOTICE: CALL IN MEETING NOW - AREA 19/20 SFAC Meeting on Monday, March 16

Hi all, Due to the health concerns as you all likely know about, we are going to be doing our local SFAC meeting via a conference line provided by DFO. Start time is 7pm, Monday, March 16.

Please call in, select 1 for English, and then the ID# followed by the #.
Information below:
Call-in: 1-877-413-4782
ID#: 1830175

When you call in you will need to mute your line to eliminate the background noise. It will be challenging to moderate the call if people do not have their lines muted when they are not talking.

Agenda Items:
  • Fraser River Chinook
  • Big Bar Slide
  • SRKW
  • Halibut hybrid model
  • Prawns
  • Best Practices
Below is a link for an SRKW survey on impacts from measures:
Please fill out ASAP, no later than the 23rd of March.

Thank you, Ryan Chamberland