Southern Resident Killer Whale Meeting March 9th at 7 PM


Well-Known Member
DFO's proposed management actions with regards to Southern Resident Killer Whale. The meeting is Friday March 9th at 7 pm at the Bass Pro Shop in Tsawwassen

The meeting is open to the public and will be focused on views we all have about management proposal for area 29. My understanding is that this meeting is being led by the local SFAC and that comments concerns and suggestions coming out of this meeting will be provided to SFAB which will communicate resulting information to DFO.
Travelling so will not be able to attend a meeting. Hope someone raises the issue with seal predation and here is grist for the mill

One of the uncomfortable truths about the decline in the Chinook fishery in the Salish Sea is that seals are a much larger part of the problem than sports fishermen. They consume 6 times the catch of recreational and commercial fishermen - combined! Have a look at the 2 attachments and the recent research to back up the statements.
One more uncomfortable truth. Hatcheries are feeding the seals. Up to 50% of Chinook Smolts are taken by seals in the Salish Sea.
I would hope that the research findings and their implications are discussed in the final plan.


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