Sooke Fuel docks

Also Pedder Bay, and no to the new marina no fuel dock there. Then the next stop is Port Renfrew.
Was just there and sooke was great, but seems odd there is no fuel dock in the harbor.
The town councils of Sooke are a unique breed. They assume boats run on air, everyone should back down a 500 foot driveway to use a boat ramp, (almost built it without a turnaround) that float plane operators parachute their customers into the town to visit and spend their money, that left turns are illegal at intersections and that west coast designed buildings that blend in and enhance the area have no place on the west coast near Sooke. Good thing the fishing helps you look past all that.
Thanks Profisher. I checked Sooke out yesterday, and have to agree with you. One of the marinas had moorage for me, but I would have to park way up, and walk up and down (bum knee), with gear, fuel, fish etc. The only other 2 launching areas have limited parking. Sure would be great if the town council realized the potential Sooke has for attracting Fishermen.
Stosh don't know if you checked out Sunny Shores but I would think that Andy would have some moorage for you and they have camping. There is lots of parking and just a short walk to the dock.
How long is the run from Sunny Shores to say Wiffen Spit. Is there any concern running out during low tide?
Its about 8-10 mins in good conditions, on low tides you must hug the east shoreline.
go slow and watch your sounder.
there are marker buoys to guide you.
Like Craven says, from the marnia straight across the bay to the gap and hug your port side all the way out. Stay inside the markers till you get to the Spit, as you leave the harbour mouth some times it will be a bit rough but as you get in to deeper water it will smooth out and you are go to go. When you return to the harbour you are going to see to markers. One is higher then the other, what you what to do is stack them on top of each other. and you are on the right course. Right at the Spit there is another pair to your port and that is when you can make your turn and then it is " Red right returning"(meaning keep the red markers on your right side) all the way to the bay, and then on to the marina. If you have a chart plotter it will be marked and you will have no problems. Plus there should be someone that you will be able to follow out.