Some Ace Hi-flies, Blue fox Vibrators and Big Weenie flash flies all unused/new


Found a box of goodies in the closet from my overspending on tackle gear this last summer.
I have lots of this stuff opened and in the tackle box but these are still in the packaging.
I have:
Ace HI-FLY - Ultra Violet/Double Glow (197) this is the LASER
Ace HI-FLY - Laser/Double Glow (911) the LASER COP CAR
Ace HI-FLY - Laser/Double Glow (142) the LASER GREEN SPLATTER BACK
Ace HI-FLY - Ultra Violet/lazer (342) the GREEN SPLATTER BACK
buy em all for $10 (I think they were $4 each plus tax)

BIG WEENIE BRAND Flash Fly/Trolling Flies - Mirage (mylar-ishy...???)
BIG WEENIE BRAND Flash Fly/Trolling Flies - Lake O Glow (Green/white & glow)
BIG WEENIE BRAND Flash Fly/Trolling Flies - Wonderbreak Glow (white, pink, blue, yellow & glow)
$6 for all 3? Paid $4 each or more for these pretty sure - oh the green works I remember that for sure
these come pre-rigged with leader and owner hooks.

Vibrax Blue Fox spinners
1 green 7/16 = #5
1 pink 7/16 = #5
1 yellow/chartruese 3/8 =# 4
$2.50 each? $7 takes em all?

Buy everything for $20 and it's all yours.
I'm in Campbell River shoot me a text at 250 850 9683 (or email me)
I suppose I could ship it all to where-ever if anyone wanted me to, shipping would be extra.
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