Somass Stamp Openings

Coho: Subareas 23-1 and 23-2: In that portion of Subareas 23-1 and 23-2, those waters southerly of a line from a tidal boundary marker at Paper Mill Dam to a boundary marker on the opposite shore and northerly of a line from Hocking Point 66° true to a boundary marker on the opposite shore of Alberni Inlet: Effective August 1 to December 31, 2009: four (4) coho per day (hatchery marked or unmarked). Listed on another beauty.
Best be hurrying if you want to get in on it!
The coho are coming rather quickly now, and all indications are that their run is now in full swing. Likely your best target, as there are but very few springs in the system. Unfortunately with the springs, what you see may well be what you get. Still isn't but a very thin presence both in the Sound, and in the approach lanes offshore (these are checked daily, including some personal work by myself, and the numbers are downright GRIM!).

What with DFO's apparent all out war on the Stamp springs, and their failure to show in any real numbers, methinks we should all think long and hard before we bonk any, and by doing so perhaps contribute directly to their decline. And please don't cite me the old line: "It's legal". The Dino made it legal, as they also made the bag fleet massacre legal. Just because they made it that way doesn't mean we should openly buy in to contributing to the problems this run faces!

Just this man's 2 pesos...
You can fish for the coho in the stamp without having any impact on the springs. I'd be willing to bet the stamp has less than a thousand springs in it right now from what Ive seen... I would think they should put a ban on bonking them until they see some good numbers, which probably wont happen.
quote:Originally posted by UNKNOWN

...forgot to mention that we witnessed a few looser groups angling, one old guy keeping three sockeye and a spring, four guys hanging out while three catch all four's limit and keeping foul butt hooked fish. Another guy kicking fish back into the water. Three guys purposely trying to hook fish with the big snagging pull technique...come on guys, do you really need the fish that bad? There is enough fish in the flow that you can follow the rules and still get them. Idiots!

I just threw up a bit. How agressive are those coho? From my experience they are more agresive when they are boots in that system, pretty finickey other wise. Spinners or whool UNKNOWN?
We had a few groups of people out on monday and 10-15 springs went by the boat all day... So ya if your fishing the deep pools you might snag some springs. We are sight fishing so if you see springs you dont have to cast at them. And sorry man but your wrong, there arent quite a few springs moving through.
quote:Originally posted by UNKNOWN

On the Stamp, anglers may use Natural bait below the bucket to the confluence and the main stream Somass starting tomorrow.

That's confirmed Rob??

Checking the stash...
I actually dont have a problem with that at all. At least some people might actually try to get fish to bite instead of the usual jigging that occurs on the lower this time of year.
Someone call Ken!! :D If u see a guy with bright red hands in Port in the next week or 2 thats me.;)Getting my pro cure ready, Bait em up!!

Pass the Pack
Yesterday on the lower Stamp (below Murphy) with the fly for cohos. Some good schools moving through - willingly take a pinkish fly. Clear water - need to sneak up on them and then precision cast. Some ho's are 10# plus and a lot of fun. Bright silver. Still some socks going through as well and some of them take the fly too. No springs seen the whole day. One summer run steelie landed too. Lots of fun.
If we get some skywater and the Stamp bumps, that combined with a bait fishery on the lower could mean some action in Port:D
Word has it there is a group of eight german fellows achored at eagle rock, two weeks now, taking limits day in and day out.. They supposedly rented a place on sprout lake for a month. If anyone can confirm this, as I have not been up myself, to maybe make a call and let the authorities know about this. That is a whole lot of coho making it's way overseas. What is with these clowns.. Stay Home-dirty:(
I wonder if they are the same ones that put their fishing adventures on youtube from their last visit to the stamp... On the video they jigged spring after spring and dragged them up onto the rocks. At the end of the video they had a picnic table STACKED with dead springs (around 20). Its instances like this that make me think tourists should have to be guided to fish our waters. Get their license plate # and call them in guys, Ive been calling DFO daily to get the jiggers out of the falls pool.