Somass Stamp Closure and Openings

WOW, about f#$king time. Thanks for the post eagle.
i hear u on that 1 RB.....but the 2 springs i killed were chrome plated.....and i know thats not what u wanted 2 hear.....BUT.....if every1 is so concerned bout this once mighty chinook run...stop pickin on the guys on the river(that dont have boats).where were all these concerned people when the natives r jigging(snagging)under the grey bridge...and taking whatever they f!@Ken like...or how bout the countless nobodies out in the inlet droppin nets whenever and where ever they 4 nog 2 say "MAN UP" 2 the guys on the rvr,seems a little minute...dont u not saying im gna kill every spring i catch..if its a boot its goin bak.but 2 pay 70 bucks 4 a freshwater licence..if its in good shape..its gettin the 2 hear nog say"see u on the flow RB"doesnt sound like your helping this once mighty chinook run...cause ther is a chance of u hooking springs...which might not survive the save your breath MATT,cause us spring fishers arent biting!!!

spinnin pinnin and grinnin
Most guys that were fishing the inlet/sound had no idea how bad the run was.Dfo said 70k chinooks and although most took it with a grain of salt, i doubt anyone would have thought the numbers would be so low right now. The reason everyones pointing out guys on the flow is because they get last crack at them. The weak run got so decimated by everyone else thanks to DFO that now the guys on the flow shouldnt furthur hurt it. As unfair as it is thats just how its worked out. A changed definatly needs to be made with DFO as this is getting repetative. Sporties salt/fresh,commies and natives alike need to help make the change.
nope....just talkin pretence.... do u avoid them....the 2 i killed the hook was in his throat..oh and her throat if your line is in the rvr....your chances r pretty good that u may hook a chinook.?????????
Originally posted by shake a paw

i hear u on that 1 RB.....but the 2 springs i killed were chrome plated.....and i know thats not what u wanted 2 hear.....BUT.....if every1 is so concerned bout this once mighty chinook run...stop pickin on the guys on the river(that dont have boats).where were all these concerned people when the natives r jigging(snagging)under the grey bridge...and taking whatever they f!@Ken like...or how bout the countless nobodies out in the inlet droppin nets whenever and where ever they 4 nog 2 say "MAN UP" 2 the guys on the rvr,seems a little minute...dont u not saying im gna kill every spring i catch..if its a boot its goin bak.but 2 pay 70 bucks 4 a freshwater licence..if its in good shape..its gettin the 2 hear nog say"see u on the flow RB"doesnt sound like your helping this once mighty chinook run...cause ther is a chance of u hooking springs...which might not survive the save your breath MATT,cause us spring fishers arent biting!!!


So because others are abusing the resource you figure you shouldnt be left out so you bonk endangered springs? As Unkown says, its EASY to avoid the springs. So ya, you shouldnt have bonked those springs when you were aware of how bad the situation was. Also sounds like you need to learn how to fish, then you would be able to target what you catch instead of having no control of what you SNAG as they swim by. Man up son!
CSC, unknown and any1 else who is wondering..i know how to read water and fish 4 specific fish just fine! happens..and if youve been fishing long enough u would know that.......OR NOT.listen hear ladies and not out there 2 knock off the spring fishery....I JUST LOVE FISH.AND I DONT HAVE A BOAT.ive nvr taken home more than 5 a year....from the rvr.and only 2 this year.AND...4 the powers that b 2 allow bait and close it 4 springs.....F!@#EN BEYOND just puttin in my 2 bits.and ill bet dollars 2 donuts the same people that agree with matt...were prob. out there on the salt slayen em'.

tight lines peeps :D
As far as people killing springs in the ocean goes... ya people were fishing them when DFO tells everyone that theres 50000+. 99% of those same people stopped fishing when they heard that those numbers werent showing up, THATS THE DIFFERENCE! Why not kill a couple of the THOUSANDS of coho (that are better eating than springs) instead? Is it because they are smaller targets to snag? Let me guess, your off to the Nitnat this weekend now that the stamps closed for springs? If your interested I have some 6ots and some 100# fireline for sale?
quote:Originally posted by shake a paw

CSC, unknown and any1 else who is wondering..i know how to read water and fish 4 specific fish just fine! happens..and if youve been fishing long enough u would know that.......OR NOT.listen hear ladies and not out there 2 knock off the spring fishery....I JUST LOVE FISH.AND I DONT HAVE A BOAT.ive nvr taken home more than 5 a year....from the rvr.and only 2 this year.AND...4 the powers that b 2 allow bait and close it 4 springs.....F!@#EN BEYOND just puttin in my 2 bits.and ill bet dollars 2 donuts the same people that agree with matt...were prob. out there on the salt slayen em'.

tight lines peeps :D
Your reasoning and sense of entitlement are laughable. [xx(] Way to help out with the problem at hand.[:o)]
nope!!!!im gna stick around here and kill some ho's....and if im gna wont b 2 the nitnat...i know of more productive rvrs than that.and as 4 your gear...u hang on 2 it...not interested in runnin hali gear.and if u really want 2 the guy out there using light gear.cause thats what EXPERIENCED fishermen u just go right ahead and keep judging me.cause im gettin a good laugh.and in my eyes..springs r just as good as coho..we candy everything.u prob. havnt figgured out how 2 smoke or do up your fish.ANYWAYS....BUILD A BRIDGE....AND GET OVER IT!!!!!