Smoked canned Salmon

mr killer

Active Member
Now that my busy season is winding down, I'm looking forward to all the pleasures spare time affords me. I've got a few filets in the deep freeze and I have the hunger for some smoked salmon melts.

So I am going to do my first batch of smoked canned salmon, just wondering if anyone has expierience with this procedure and any advice would be greatly appreciated, right now i'm thinking I should keep it on the brine for a shorter period 4-5 hours or so and I am planning on only smoking it half the normal time so 4-5 hours then canning the stuff,

If anyone has any advice and expertise on this please let me know, thanks in advance.
There are many good ways to can-smoke. The most important thing to remember is that everything you do before the can will be amplified by the canning process. The amount of smoke flavour will be way stronger after it's canned. If you "cook" the fish any during the smoke process, it will add to how cooked the final product is. My first attemt at can-smoked was a little poor to say the least. I simpley brined & smoked the fish as usuall and then canned it. The end result was way too salty, way too smokey-almost burnt tasting, and cooked to the texture of shoe leather!My prefered method is as follows... I don't like to brine because I generally like to follow the standard salt guidelines used for regular canning. I also only smoke the fish for about an hour. About 1 pan of smoke if you use that style of smoker. Keep the fish in the fridge right until it goes into the smoker. I try to smoke at as "cold" a temp as possible so I don't cook the fish. If you use a cheif style smoke and can't control your temp, I find it best to smoke during a cold snap. A low outside temp will really help keep down your temp. A Bradley is nicer as you have control over the tempature. I then go ahead and can the fish as usuall. Add you salt and sugar-if you like it sweet, pepper if you like it spicy ect.... This is just my way, and there are many other way to do it.
I recomend taking the time do do small batches and try a few differnt methods until you find the taste and texture you prefer.
c.r.angler is right..... cold smoked salmon will turn out far better than hot smoked, both in flavour and texture. I went through everything c.r. did before I got it right. :D SS
after many trials and errors, I have fount the best smoked-canned salmon to be done this way: 1- take salmon 2- take it to st. Jeans cannery . Very good job. Just my opinion!
try putting a small " plug " of smoked in your jars prior to canning salmon in the normal leaves just the right hint of smoke in the entire jar.....
Thanks for the tips guys, and IFL I already went through a bunch of the st jeans stuff at 2.50 a can it's hardly a bargain and their spray on smoke doesn't taste as good as the real thing,
While it was not smoked canned salmon, years ago my mother would can Red Snapper meat and put a crab claw in each jar. After about 3 months, the snapper tasted exactly like crab.... and had a nice texture to, we used to call it "poor mans crab" Dip a chunk in Lemon Garlic Butter, bet you can't eat just one! :D SS
Hey C.S. you will not be disappionted..... it has been some time since I have had it but I will make a concerted effort, if Concerned Angler will assist, to replicate the recipe and bring back "old times". :D SS

Post Script. We also made what was referred to as "Loon Lake Lobster" by boiling large chunks of boneless Jackfish (Pike) in a heavy salt water brine. When the chunks floated, you scooped them up and dipped them in Lemon Garlic Butter.... we called this "Poor Man's Lobster" bet you can't eat only one! :D SS
Striper, That is what we do with Hali and call it poor mans lobster. one cup of salt and one cup of sugar for 3 gallons of water. Of course Hali probably cost me more that just purchasing the lobster.
Thanks for the advice everyone, just canned my first batch last night, and had some melts for lunch, damn that's good, way better than st jeans. with the advice from the forum it saved me from learning the hard way,
Hey Battaglino, I like your idea to use Halibut, I guess you could call this "rich mans lobster"..... :D:D SS