Skunked in the canal!

Need some help guys.. I took my dad fishing at lone tree today and had no luck :(. Almost everyone else had great success. We had rods in the water by 7:20 and fish were being caught all around us. I think we missed most of the bite as the boats in the area became fewer and fewer till we were one of 6 or 7 left by noon. We tried white hootchies, pink ones, cop car coyote, anchovie, at depths of 25, 45, and 95 feet. Most of the time we trolled slow. We are going to give it another try tomorrow, and need some advice so we don't get skunked again. Other than getting there earlier, any thoughts on what else we should consider? what do I need to do to make the fishing Gods smile on me?
Try and focus on depths between 25 and 48 feet and troll at about 2.5 mph, this get you in the ball park it sounds like you were using the gear that most people are using. Dont know what you were doing different than that but if you were just stick to that and you should do fine. If you have a blackbox set it at .615
Tide change at 6:45 tomorrow. 1hr before, 1hr after is a good rule...getting tough with light not until 6:00 these days. I'm heading to Lone Tree in the a.m. Tried a post a few days ago to see if the fishing was any good (no responses), nice to hear people are still catching a few. We had great success last Monday with Cop Car spoons at 40-50 ft just before low tide.
Good luck tomorrow.
start fishing before first light 5:45 mp16 mp2 ( mini planton)and white hoochies and my fav a 602 6" plug at 25 ft all leaders 42" troll faster than nornal as said before depths of 25 to 48 ft we had 4 rods out and had 6 fish in the boat by 6:45 last saturday-- good luck-- clay
Last weekend (Derby)... We did OK however a few boats were really doing well around us. As soon as I started fishing a bit deeper...we got more fish. If I had 3 rods.... It would be 40, 55 and 67 out there. We had better luck on hootchies than anchovies.

Yup, backatit, that was me. How would you know that????? What were you fishing in? How did you do thursday? Thanks for all the reponces guys. We were out at first light..and .. and..there wasn't a bite. The commercial guys had come through the night before (so I'm told) and scattered the fish everywhere. Not nearly as many fish caught on Thursday. We finally managed a 15 spring at about 11:00. Was thrilled to see my dad's losing streak end. He was pretty pleased with his fish. I think the key for us on thursday was trolling faster. We seemed to be doing everything else right without success. Might try again on the weekend. Any Coho showing up yet? anyone know when the commercial openings are?
We were right next to you in a SeaRay 170 when you caught that fish. Heard you tell someone it was the first fish in 2 days...saw 2 guys that looked like father and son and put 2 & 2 together [8D].
We got a 20 and 25, lost 3[V].
I talked to a gillnetter yesterday at the fish cleaning station. He said there's a native opening on Sunday and a gillnet opening Monday.
I'm heading out tomorrow morning with a friend from Calgary who's never seen a fish bigger than an 18" rainbow...can't wait to see his face when he hooks a 20 pounder.
The bites should be about 7:30 and 1:30 tomorrow.
