Skeg/prop repair

Saxe Point

Well-Known Member
Hit a pinnacle this weekend. Skeg is bent and a few chunks are missing. Aluminum prop looks a bit like a tortilla chip. What's a good place in/ near Victoria for skeg repair and new prop? What's the ballpark cost for skeg repair?
We at dss welding (250-715-1159)
in duncan can fix your skeg for about $80.00 as for the prop i use vic prop in millbay. Larry.
Prop - west isle marine by sleggs in sidney ( approx 75 for minor repair and re-pitch) or just buy a new one
You could try a skeg guard which fits over the damaged remaining portion.
Island propeller do prop repairs, usually about $80 out the door.
Depending on where you live, Rick.@ Sooke Propeller is really good!
After striking something that hard you may want to check your prop shaft.If it's a Merc stern drive you may have also damaged the yolk.Hopefully they aren't an issue -an ounce of pervention...
Hey saxe this happened to me...had envinrude same year. Hopefully you didn't bend it....

High Five

I did, but just a little. I am going to run it once I get a new prop and if it doesn't affect the steering I won't be getting it fixed for a while, or at all. How did you find moving from the 90 down to a smaller motor (60? I seem to recall)? My 90 makes the boat fly, but she's thirsty.
Shallow area in Enterprise Channel between Trial Island and Victoria. Narrow area and my fish finder said 12 feet. I should have been going slower and paying more attention, but was enjoying the scenery... Like I said, a new prop is required but the skeg's not too bad - slight bend and a few small pieces out of it. Could have been worse.
If the prop shaft is bend it can and will wreck the seals and down the road more problems Don at west isle can fix both problems if the shaft is bend sometimes a new one is in order but you can get lucky and he may find you a used one one good reason you get insurance on a boat.... as thats covered if your leg is damaged...
If the prop shaft is bend it can and will wreck the seals and down the road more problems Don at west isle can fix both problems if the shaft is bend sometimes a new one is in order but you can get lucky and he may find you a used one one good reason you get insurance on a boat.... as thats covered if your leg is damaged...

Thanks for this Wolf.
I'm going to take a run with a new prop and see how it goes. Coming back after I hit it there was no vibration at at except at low RPM, which I'm thinking was caused by the wrecked prop. Once up on plane and at most RPM's it ran smooth, even with the curlicue prop. So I'm thinking (and hoping) the prop shaft is ok.
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Bent and missing pieces out of the skeg can interrupt or alter the intended flow of water around the skeg and through the prop.
Can cause additional stress on shaft, bearings etc.
Or so I've been told.
Best to fix it all.
I'd also recommend 'dss' above.
He straightened and welded the skeg on my johnson about 4 years ago, so good I still can't see where he did any work.
SG has the johnson/evinrude paint colours in spray cans for touching up the paint on the skeg.
You will not notice a bend running it you have to examine it and measure etc a experienced tech can spot it in no time, it do what you want ,its your boat im a bit anal so id get it looked at if it were me but im all about preventve matenance As I dont like things going BOOOOING down the road.
A quick and simple test to check for a bent prop shaft is to sit something up against (not quite touching) either the forward edge of the prop hub or the outer edge of the blades...then spin it by hand in neutral and see if the clearance remains the same through a full 360 deg's. If it rubs in one spot and not in others you may want to check further.