sharp hooks???


Well-Known Member
What do you folks find is the best tool for getting your hooks sharp,as well as quick touch ups during the day?

I have been using the two files taped together for LARGE hooks (Hallibut) ect. smaller hooks a flat stone.

First to admit I probably do not have the sharpest hooks on the water . so what works for you?
I just use a 6 inch fine file like the type you'd find in any machine shop....

Gotta keep the rust off 'em though...

I file a hook on 3 sides and then test it on my finger nail.......never have a problem

depending on what metal the hook is made of , it is easier to get a good point quick on some hooks than others.....

The chemically sharpened hooks (once they get dull) seem to take more work than ordinary Mustads etc..etc...
Luher Jensen hook file. I mostly use Owner Cutting Point hooks. They will take about one maybe two sharpenings and then I pitch them. Remember that hooks and line are comparatively cheap in this hobby and make a huge difference in our success. If in doubt replace them.
I use a battery powered Rapala "Dremel" type sharpener that I modified a little...the best one that I have ever had was an old Charlie White battery powered one. I used it until it died, and can't find a replacement one anywhere. If anyone sees any at their local tackle shop, let me know :).

FishWish.......I just may have one of those Charlie White-type sharpeners down in the basement somewhere....I'll have a look and get back to you.

Only used it once or twice......

It's yours if I can find it......
Plain old raker file for touching up the rakers on your chainsaw.Like seafever,I sharpen three sides till they're sticky
sharp.I spray a little WD-40 on them and keep them stored in a zip lock bag in my tackle box to prevent rusting.
For the boat I still use the Charlie White sharpener. On the beach I us the EZE-LAP pencil/file with the groove down the middle...less bulk in the fly vest.
2 of the smallest chainsaw files taped together to 2 of the larger
large side for shaping small fine side for honing the point
Little ceramic stone with groves in awesome!