SFBC reunites guide and guest


Well-Known Member
I posted a while ago, how as a still maturing guide in the Charlottes I was schooled by my guests who came up with their own hand poured jigs. I think it was only my second or third year guiding up there, and I was so intent on trying to be a top rod using bait, hootchies and plugs in their appropriate applications, that I was resistant to "wasting" quality trolling time by letting these guys jig during prime time.
Of course these guys were experienced and thy talked me into it. The bait ball was massive that day, maybe a football field or two wide, and blacking out the sounder from the surface to 200 ft. We did well trolling around it but.... Within 5 seconds of putting the first plain looking jig down it had one on (much to my surprise), and after releasing the barbless single out that one his partner had one on too. It didn't stop. All day. I admit I was amazed. The downriggers were swung in and put to bed for the day, and with my guests permission I tied one of their jigs on for myself and fished off the bow. Not many guides get to reel in fish like that.
I still think about that day.
Of course I enjoyed the moment, but I was still a competitive guide and I was counting. 57 chinooks purposefully released with an average size around 25 pounds. Some over 30, some around 20 but none smaller. More than 10 unintentionally released. 6 put in the box. Maybe not so ethical these days to touch so many fish?!
It was incredible, and still one of the standout days in my long past 5 year Charlottes guiding career.

I'm delighted that one of the guests recognized the story. Long time forum member "Rob H" and I are now reunited! He left me the jigs when he went home and they caught many more fish over the years, and are still my goto for a ling. Tarnished and flaking finish 16 years later, Rob has promised to let me come and see the 2 or 3 hundred he has hanging in his garage factory, and says he might even part with a few more :)

Thanks SFBC Forum!
Good stuff.

I like stories like that.


Take care.
Great story. Just goes to show, we all have something to learn no matter how much experience we have.
They day you declare "I've forgotten more than you'll ever know" is the day you stop growing and improving.
Tugcapitan Let me know when you are visiting Victoria and dropping by to see me and I will get Don to join us as well. He has wondered how your guiding went after our visit to Kano Inlet many years ago.
Tugcapitan Let me know when you are visiting Victoria and dropping by to see me and I will get Don to join us as well. He has wondered how your guiding went after our visit to Kano Inlet many years ago.

Sounds great!
Great story. Just goes to show, we all have something to learn no matter how much experience we have.
They day you declare "I've forgotten more than you'll ever know" is the day you stop growing and improving.
The more you know the more you know you don't know.