Sensor to detect water in fuel?

dance a jig

Active Member
I think we all agree 1) condensation happens in fuel tanks because of changes of tempurature, 2) many boat fuel tanks sit idle accumulating "drops of condensation", especially during winter, 3) ethynol fuel can "blend" with water and not be detectable in racor style fuel bowl, 4) no good will come if we inadvertantly run some amount of water through our expensive outboard motors, especially if we have 2-strokes that are less tolerant of running lean with water. So... in my quest to find something to help me not be bothered by this issue, I stumbled upon a sensor on wires, plugs into Racor bowl, and perhaps I get a warning if there is water

Has anyone used anything like this or think the logic behind this kind of unit is good, or flawed. Thanks in advance for your feedback as I know there are guys here who know alot more than myself on this issue.

Interesting idea for only $120, but did you see how much water he dumped in.. about 25%. I hope it doesn't take 25% to make the sensor buzz.

Use an appropriate sized water seperating filter, change it no less than once a year and you should have no problems. Filters are cheap, water to the motor is expensive.