Seized Up


Active Member
Hello all, i got a free 1973 6 horse evinrude yesterday and it turns out that the pistons are seized up in it. Besides spraying wd-40 or diesel in the cylindars, do you guys no anyother tricks/methods for freeing the pistons?

To fish or not to fish,
What a stupid question!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish, and he will sit on a boat drinking beer for a life time :D
TGIF =Thank God It Floats
Hello all, i got a free 1973 6 horse evinrude yesterday and it turns out that the pistons are seized up in it. Besides spraying wd-40 or diesel in the cylindars, do you guys no anyother tricks/methods for freeing the pistons?

To fish or not to fish,
What a stupid question!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish, and he will sit on a boat drinking beer for a life time :D
TGIF =Thank God It Floats
Sorry,can't help you with that problem but I have a '73 6hp evinrude.Awesome little motor.Grandparents bought it and a 12' springbok brand new for me.Still have both.Took me to a lot of good fishin in Active Pass back in the day.
hey!wait a minute!I better check to see if mine is still here.<img src=icon_smile_shock.gif border=0 align=middle>

a total MILF.Man I Love Fishing
There are alternatives to wd 40 - use to spray your bait instead.

I would pick up a specific penitrating oil foumulated for Aluminium alloy - to castiron also heat helps too but it be kinda hard to add heat in this situation

Island Boy through and through
Stop using WD-40 for lures. It isn't made with fish oil any more. It's now made with over 80 percent varsol. Not exactly what I would want you putting into my water.

Let it die!!!!!!!! its really old and tring to find parts for it may be a challenge the money you put in to it you could probably get a newer one its an antique so send it to the museum!!!!!!!!!!

I would pick up a specific penitrating oil foumulated for Aluminium I agree on the penitrating oil use lots of it and let it set for a few day. I have a motor that seize a few years ago and we did heat it up with a propane torch but you don't want to much of the very flamable oil in there when I lit the torch. I also used a wooden dowl and a hammer and would tap it and put more oil and a tap it agian it was a long process but I still use the motor.

Good Luck

joseph battaglino
Go easy so you dont break a piston ring. Lotsa lube. You could get lucky. Opening it up to change a broken ring is a lot of work and expense. Lots of bolts break off...Lordship Marine in Vancouver probably has any part you need.

I rebuilt a seized 70 a few years ago, but it was seized because needle bearings from the con rods got sucked into one cyl and got diced into bits by the ports, and jammed between the piston and cyl wall. I bout it that was so I dont know how it hapenned.
that last line was supposed to say...I bought it that way, so I dont know how it happenned.
Fill er up w/ penetrating oil and let her sit...forget that you own it.
After about a month or so, try rotating the crank back and forth and see if there is any movement(don't force). If it wiggles....let her sit some more and repeat.

If she comes lose consider yourself lucky and keep it in mind that every time it starts, it may be the last. Keep a set of oars handy.

Some like it rough...
Others just puke!

Mr. Dean
Let it die!!!!!!!! its really old and tring to find parts for it may be a challenge the money you put in to it you could probably get a newer one its an antique so send it to the museum!!!!!!!!!!


or not <img src=icon_smile_question.gif border=0 align=middle>
and its (the pistons) are FREEE! my dad almost blew a vessel trying to turn the flywheel today andit mover an inch, a littel more oil, aliitle more movement, and now its free-turning! I guess it wasnt seized up very badly. We suspect it fell into the ocean years ago and was just left after that as there is alot of salt cystals almost everywhere weve gotten. So far, flywheel, pistons, and prop freely turn, sparkplugs (even with them being badly rusted) still spark, no corrosion in the carb, and very little (just a bit of salt crystals we scaped off) in the diapragm fuel pump. Weve ordered a new head gasket, water impeller (not sure of condition but for a sparepart anyhow)and were trying to find a spare fuel pump. Looks like ive gotten my self a project for the next little while :D

To fish or not to fish,
What a stupid question!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish, and he will sit on a boat drinking beer for a life time :D
TGIF =Thank God It Floats
Good for you just thought if it was rerally seiezed why bother but hey good job.
