Seaguar Flurocarbon Leader.......?


Well-Known Member
According to Seaguar's website you no longer have to tie any fancy knots for fleurocarbon leader if you use their product.

They show an improved clinch knot that can be used......which is exactly the same as any other improved clinch knot.

I have an application where I want to use fleurocarbon leader............normally I'd use the improved clinchknot on this if I was using Maxima etc.

I'll be using Seaguar 30lb..........

Can I go with the improved clinch knot for fleurocarbon?

Or should I go with a better fleurocarbon (sp?) knot?

Seaguar says earlier fleurocarbon lines had a knot issue.....but now their product doesn't.......
Please help me understand the difference in flouro vs mono for leaders when fishing for salmon. Maybe this is the wrong place to post this question. if so, my apologies. Thanks

I tied the normal improved knot on it works fine for me.As for difference this new stuff is TOUGH but it has a huge memory seems it never loses that where mono will, Floro is almost like rope doesnt twist and is rather stiff ive been experimenting with about 4 different leader lines this year testing (because they wanted my feedback) I like it but im so used to nice soft Mono hard habits are hard to kill LOL.
But i can see professionally how this stuff will hold up a bit better being so tough 40 lb is a bit thicker I find then mono.
PRICE is a huge factor flor is REALLY REALLY expensive compared to mono dont know if id personally spend that kinda money on something that mono has done GREAT for me over 25 years.

Good luck Wolf
I use Seaguar 8lb and 10 lb test as a saltwater fly leader when fly fishing for pinks. I'm not sure if it makes a difference and I have not had any problems tying blood knots or improved clinch knots.

I love Seaguar leader, I've had leaders that lasted for days on end at Swifsture hand bombing fish in. However, it's $90 a roll, Maxima 55LB is $15, and it's still good practice to re tie every few trips. Wolf is right about the memory, I don't use it when rolling bait as a kink in the flouro can really change your anchovy action.
Reason I'm asking:-

I use Brad's 3 1/2 "Mini Cut plugs........actually they are a pretty hot lure for Coho and Chinook ( color "Green Magic")

I had been running them with 30lb maxima as leader (6ft).

Another guy on another site who uses these lures a lot advised me to switch to fluerocarbon leader (30lb) instead of Maxima because the lure works even better that way.

I don't usually use fleurocarbon leader at all.......but I'd heard the early fleuro had knot strength issues.......

You're right it is a little stiffer than ordinary mono......but I'm giving it a try to see if it outperforms the Maxima on these lures.
I use the Palomar knot. It's stronger, there are two loops around the hook, and most importantly for fluorocarbon is there is no burning. However, I am not convinced fluorocarbon has really solved the failure problem. I bought some of the red label this spring which should have been the good stuff. On day 1 no problems, all knots tested really strong. On day 2 a gentle tug snapped all my knots. It was embarrassing.

In my experience the 1st gen suffered from burning, the 2nd gen suffers from bruising. Check yours knots very carefully if you use it.
Thanks for that 4TEX:- I noticed that even though I moistened the knots bigtime while I was tying seemed pretty hard to tighten them up, I could hear the friction.

Gonna go check 'em with the "tug" test

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Cannot afford Seaguar, but have seen Fluorocarbon swivels advertised with video & it disappears, so I got hooked on this Fluoro trend & this year I bought a 100 percentage Fluoro line for cheap. Berkley Vanish, 250yds for 15 buck @ Crappy tire

I don't know if Seaguar would have been better but the Vanish line is used all the time & in my fishing type it has produced.............mind ya 24 mil humppies will produce on most lines
K/Head:- so you are saying you use Berkely Vanish to catch a ton of Humpies and have had no problems?