Seafoam Additive Help

Fish Assassin

Crew Member
Just added Seafoam and the motor losses bottom end power, stalls, smokes, rough idle. If I can get it into gear it runs great at higher RPM.

Borrowed my old fuel tank from Tortuga (Thank You)and the motor runs great. An $8 can of Seafoam kept me off the water today and up all night stressing out.

So what do I do?

Pump the tank? Add more gas to the half tank I have? Go run the hell out of it for a couple hours then fill it back up with fresh fuel?

I was told to use 1oz per gallon.... I used 16oz to 20 gallons. Some people say this is normal during the first use of his product.

Totally raising my blood pressure.
add more fuel to the mix. should burn fine.. i run it through every season also. one bottle to a full tank.
run the **** out of it at high rpm to flush it through for awhile and clean out the carbs/injectors. it's just really rich. clean your plugs as the carbon and oily seafoam has gunked them up a bit, add a bunch of gas to cut the mixture down some, then runs it some more in the driveway or at the dock. I find my 4 stroke honda is sensitive to light mixtures of seafoam/fuel stabilizers, but my two strokes love it and have no problems unless I mix it really thick. Don't sweat it. Worst case scenario you gunked up the plugs a fair bit too much and need to buy some more, or clean them really well and set them to dry.
if you have never run seafoam and had some gunk in your tank or fuel lines, it's worthwhile to change your fuel filter too. Don't bother if you have been using fuel stabilizers regularly and have just switched to seafoam. in that case it's likely just running a bit rich.
Well it's got new plugs and a new filter. Compression in 120 all three cylinders.

Just got back from the lake and it running bad on any fuel (main tank or portable tank) at low RPM. Reading online sounds like its time to clean the fuel pump and carbs. This apparently has to be done some times when running Seafoam thru the system.

Might just put a new fuel pump on as they are under $40 online.

Whats happening now is when I bring the boat to a stop the RPM slowly drops and the motor dies with in 1-2 mins. But when I am running there are no issues.
Running it hard probably won't help much, it sounds like the idle circuits.
Set up the idle and see if you can get it to run in nuetral at high idle until it clears.It might rattle and smoke, but it should clear.
If not, it's kit time!
I also think it's related to your idle or pilot jets in your carb. If you are comfortable tinkering with carbs, I'd suggest upping the idle to see if you can keep the motor running. (new fuel of course) You can also try adjusting the air/fuel screw. If they have never been adjusted before, they may have a metal cap over them. Drill a hole in the cap, put in a screw a few turns, then use pliers to pull out cap.

Before messing with any screws, always turn all the way in until seated and count the rotations it took to get there. Right it down.

OR....... call a local outboard mechanic and have them check it out.
if it's running like that with the plain fuel too, then it's likely carbs. if you want a quick fix, then get a mechanic to rebuild and cleam them. If you want to learn about your engine, then get the carb rebuild kit, do some reading and clean and rebuild them yourself. take the advice re: # turns on the screws. if it runs fine at high revs, your fuel pump should be fine. tip- if doing the carbs yourself, buy extra fuel line zip ties and if any fuel lines around the carbs look like the rubber is breaking down/dried out and cracking, then replace them. the extra zip ties are handy if you need to tear it apart again for any adjustments to carb floats etc.

I tore down and cleaned by carbs several times with my last motor before discovering that the sponge noise battening lining my motor lid was breaking down and the tiny crumbs were getting sucked into my carb and that was the source of my carb problems. Argh....I can rip a carb apart and clean it quick though.
I tore down and cleaned by carbs several times with my last motor before discovering that the sponge noise battening lining my motor lid was breaking down and the tiny crumbs were getting sucked into my carb and that was the source of my carb problems. Argh....I can rip a carb apart and clean it quick though.

That sucks. Design fail. I can't imagine foam bits are good for carbs. Good on ya for figuring it out yourself.
Yea it sounds like the idle circuit in one or more of your carbs is plugged.
Best bring it to someone that has knowledge with that setup.
Could be he can pop it apart and blow some compressed air through it.
Might not have to do a full rebuild.
I have to do that on my honda kicker every spring.
Sorry I don't know those carbs or I would offer to look at it.
Check with island fish lifter up in CR, he might be of assistance.
Watch by the end of the long weekend the Seafoam will have done its job and it will be running perfectly by Tuesday. I know I am just dreaming..... :)

Already put 10 gallons thru the system. I wish I never did this. :(
Owen, I thought you used to use Racor Gasoline Conditioner +. I've been using this stuff for years (both 2 stroke and 4 stroke; both carb and injected) with great success. Why the change (just curious)?

Owen, I thought you used to use Racor Gasoline Conditioner +. I've been using this stuff for years (both 2 stroke and 4 stroke; both carb and injected) with great success. Why the change (just curious)?

I don't know why... Cause I am stupid. Got told how great this stuff was and for $8 why not. Yes I use the Racor stuff all the time and have never had any issue.

Wish I never used this product. But who knows there could be another cause as I just got the boat out of the shop.
Well it's got new plugs and a new filter. Compression in 120 all three cylinders.

Just got back from the lake and it running bad on any fuel (main tank or portable tank) at low RPM. Reading online sounds like its time to clean the fuel pump and carbs. This apparently has to be done some times when running Seafoam thru the system.

Might just put a new fuel pump on as they are under $40 online.

Whats happening now is when I bring the boat to a stop the RPM slowly drops and the motor dies with in 1-2 mins. But when I am running there are no issues.

Did you replace the plugs before the seafoam or after?