Scotty SS rocket launcher

nope scott but will give you a report when we get them from Trotac and mount em on buddies new Arima!
Ya but if your drag is set up right no rod holder should break. Sounds like Scotty is scared of their rod holders breaking. That scares me.
There is one installed on the new high speed Scotty Rigger I just bought so I guess I will find out. The ratcheting base seems very similar to earlier models and the ss tube seems reasonably heavy duty so I think they should do the job.
Scotty isn't scared of there rod holders breaking at all , but there not for halibut rods . There's a big difference between a 9-10ft salmon rod when it pops off the rigger compared to a 5-6 ft rod hammering downward. Drag set or not set.
Scott he got a 2004 19' Sea Ranger bought it off the Arima boats for sale by owner.
No wouldn't use them for halibut, we use the powerlock for But's.

A buddy busted off 2 powerlocks in one day for me last year at Swiftsure. He didn't lose his rod or the halibut, just broke the dowel part that goes into the holder. Snapped them in two within an hour's fishing, one was on the bottom the other a fish.

Now I use the striker, it has a SS pin inside the plastic dowel. Scotty gave me 2 new pins when I brought them in to show them, they were real surprised. I think there was some real sideways pressure on them to snap them like that.
I have the new high speed riggers, so far so good on the rod holder...just need sunglasses with all the bling.:cool:
THAT really sucks those orcas are cool etc but me personally wouldnt trust them for halibut. I posted pics before of how i have a teather line that snaps onto the eye of the reel when I halibut fish just for the reason you have just stated. sorry to hear about the loss of gear!!!!!
the strikers have done me fine for 20 plus years ill stick with them.
As for holders on a rigger not a big fan of them as ive sen people reach and pull up only to see them slip out there hands and go into the depths when the fish starts pulling hard..... if something can/will happen with fishing it usually does sooner or later why take the chance....

Good luck Wolf