Science Article from CBC on Fish Farming

artical in todays edmonton sun on the affects of sae lice and fish farms on wild salmon
Actually the story has received widespread attention. (Maybe not the ideal publicity for "Beautiful BC"?).
If only Pinks were as cute as the Kermody Island bears.
But I digress, on the BBC website yesterday they cited the story with this added local bit:

"Sid Patten, chief executive of the Scottish Salmon Producers' Organisation, said the Canadian research bore "little resemblance to the situation in Scotland".

He said fish farmers, wild fish interests and the Scottish government had been working together for many years around the north-west coast and islands to develop local area management plans "for the benefit of both wild and farmed salmon".

"I am delighted to report that there are very positive results coming from this process such as increased numbers of wild salmon returning to some rivers," he said.

"This summer, the Scottish government presented our work to the Canadians who were very interested in exploring a similar model for Canada."

Wonder who the Canadians were?