"Recovering" is probably too strong a word but Thompson and Chilcotin steelhead have been rising off of the lows of a few years ago. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/e...-fraser-steelhead/ifs_fast_facts_feb_2023.pdfThe steelhead are slowly recovering? What stocks?
The steelhead are slowly recovering? What stocks?
"Recovering" is probably too strong a word but Thompson and Chilcotin steelhead have been rising off of the lows of a few years ago. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/e...-fraser-steelhead/ifs_fast_facts_feb_2023.pdf
I took the opportunity to fish the Thompson for Chinook last year and it was hands down the best days of red Chinook fishing I've had in fresh water.Late summer Thompson chinook stocks were good last year. Harrison White Chinook returns were also much improved. The last couple of years saw good to great coho returns in the Fraser Tribs and other LM streams.
Mother nature did that on her own a few years ago didn't she?Imagine the Fraser system without salmon. Might as well dam it for hydro power to feed all of Trudeau's electric cars. He, like so many citiots really could give a crap about fish or anything wild.
the Province is clear it will not do that for IFS. There is a small hatchery operation in the upper river plus after the Big Bar slide early Stuart sockeye were (still done?) raised at the Inch Creek hatchery. There have been major stock crashes in the past and those that were restored were not done so via hatchery enhancement.I doubt any of the truly at risk stocks (salmon or steelhead) can make a recovery without some hatchery help. DFO needs to get some temporary/mobile hatchery systems in place to accelerate the process.
Saving the whales means saving the Fraser River's Chinook runs which are still grim in most cases.
Hope for the future as the steelhead are slowly recovering with restrictions in place.
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Last year was the same as what 2024 is showing. Some of early runs are still struggling, but the mid summer/fall runs are what we need to watch. Many were off the charts last year.
This graph is bit deceiving. Your better to show an average of last 5-10 years as baseline,and see what that looks like.