saturday steel

today was the kind of day i dream about on week nights in anticipation of my days off. slabs on the no-tellum river
I recognize those moss patterns on those rocks..... can you please not post about that spot/river

Thats what we do in the fresh forum right????

Jus jokin..... Thats a real pretty fish YS
i dont get offended by what people say as jokes on this site the basis is that all of us steelheaders have a different sense of humor than others since we can stand in the pouring rain all day, not catch a thing, and be smiling and laughing the whole time. what we think is funny may not seem that way to others
i dont get offended by what people say as jokes on this site the basis is that all of us steelheaders have a different sense of humor than others since we can stand in the pouring rain all day, not catch a thing, and be smiling and laughing the whole time. what we think is funny may not seem that way to others
Too bad Google earth says nuthing about the No-tellum River.....I've been searching since 9:20..:D
Thx for the ****
the days when u dont have to worry about staying ahead of the jet boats and getting to the spot first remind u of what its all about. better to worry about the black bear eyeing u down across the river and running out of daylight cause you are so amped up to fish u forgot your watch in the vehicle or hoping the pickup makes it out of the bush. those are wild experiences