San Juan Bay Net Pen Project

Osama Bin Hopper

Active Member
Wondering where this is at now?

I don't make it down that way, and can't find any recent info. Is it still going on?

Overall impressions? Did it make a difference? Was it enough?

Any success stories around this at all? I know they do one out of Poett Nook that seems to work...

Interested in Chinooks not pinks.
The San Juan Net project is still going strong,but as far as results there not sure ,they haven't clipped or odelith marked any fish, pretty tough to get an accurate idea whats going on ,there was talk this past season that they were going to get funding for clipping,they have been raising 55,000-85,000 fish, no problem getting help feeding and cleaning pens.I think that if tagging happens they will find out if its working ,that said the chinook run has been average -above average the last 3 years ,no problem getting there broodstock