Saanich Police denied Elk Lake boat launch

I have just recently heard of a couple incidents whereby Saanich Police have denied anglers
the right to launch their boats at Elk Lake. There is no regulation or law which prevents
anyone from launching a vessel at any time of year or any time of day. This is the case
even if a rowing regatta is scheduled. There are however, restrictions limiting where on the
lake one can operate a vessel and limiting operation to specific times of day (ie. waterskiing).
Has anyone else encountered similar problems while attempting to launch at the Brookleigh
or Eagle Beach launch sites?
And then there is the rest of the story......
One that we do not have.
Did they deny everyone?
Or just people that didn't think that they needed all the safety equip. to float a boat even on a lake?

I have seen them... never had a problem
If they told me I couldn't.... well thats different
Maybe they didnt have that card (POC)you need then they could possablly say no??? who knows im sure there is more to the story