
Steelhead S2

Active Member
Just got in from an evening's fishing at one of the smaller lakes up behind Campbell River. Got fishing at 6:30ish and trolled along the shore for two hours. We dragged a variety of gear, and NOTHING. As the sun was starting to fade, we made a b-line for the truck right down the middle of the lake in high gear on the electric. And we started hitting fish! turns out the lake was full of stickle backs being targeted by fat cutties. The cutties were totally bloated, barfing them up. There were schools of bait fish being driven tot he surface (like herring balls) so I'd just point the boat at a school of risers and hold on. Tonnes of fun, even if it made for a late night.

Picked up one smallish bow too. We kept is because it wouldn't have survived release. It was totally bloated too, but full of ants. There were about 40 carpenter ants in it's gut. Amazing how these fish will gorge. Wish I'd been up there earlier and fished the hatch!
Pics or it didn't happen ;)
Great story anyways...... :D
Just givin S2 a little ribbin is all
cuttys deffinetly like it fast. The only ones I ever hit in elk lake were just as you described. When I was either heading home or to another location and put the electric in high speed but left the rods in the water. WHAM! cutty on.

Once I found that out I would rip back and forth through the area and usually pick up a few fish. I've never hit any rainbows going that speed and I've never hit a cutty trolling slow for rainbows.