Reply to my letter to the Port Alberni Chamber of commerce


Well-Known Member
"C_ _ _ _ _ :

Thank you for your comments regarding this economic atrocity perpetrated on the Alberni Valley. Allowing the Vancouver-based seine fleet to take 127,000 sockeye per week with no benefit to the local economy is unacceptable. The Chamber of Commerce, through our past president and current director, Bob Cole, who now chairs the Sportsfisher Advisory Council locally, is constantly lobbying DFO at local roundtable meetings to keep the benefits local. Unfortunately, DFO is not listening and, instead, they are attempting to make up for their mistakes over the last few years on the Fraser River by giving away the Alberni run. Our whole community is enraged, as well as our many visitors here to catch a fish. We have done extensive surveys proving the sockeye run is our biggest tourism generator in the Valley. This socio-economic fact means nothing to the feds, obviously. We need local autonomy to manage this fishery. On behalf of Port Alberni we apologize for your disappointment, but clearly it wasn’t our decision to grant a terminal harvest to the commercial fleet.


Mike Carter

Executive Director

Alberni Valley Chamber of Commerce "

I forwarded this reply on to Mr Harper, MP Duncan, MP Lunney, Paul Preston DFO, and Bill Shaw DFO. The last 2 I personally talked just after the first seine opening for 105 000 fish..
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Excellent Reply, and VERY much the mindset here in Port. Atrocity is the exact correct word!

Kudos Island Gal for both writing them and bringing their reply to our attention. Indeed, even more of the same for frowarding this to those you did!

The situation is INTOLERABLE! Methinks we are slowly getting that message across...

Efforts like yours certainly make a HUGE difference!!

Great work islandgirl, may i suggest you run for public office!! Alot of us have the passion, but you followed through!!!!!!!!!!!
Looks like the weather is to blame. Sockeye are roaring into the river and lakes with the rain. NO ONE is catching, not even the commies. What we need is data and facts, not speculation. We need a well designed response to suggest a better management approach to the fishery in 2012 that avoids creating conflicts between the user groups. As it stands today, the current fishing plan created conflict and perceptions that put the users into conflict as opposed to finding ways to have all work together. HOWEVER...a big part of the problem was and is an unwillingness on the part of the Commies to listen to the sporties and look for flexible solutions.
Looks like the weather is to blame. Sockeye are roaring into the river and lakes with the rain. NO ONE is catching, not even the commies. What we need is data and facts, not speculation. We need a well designed response to suggest a better management approach to the fishery in 2012 that avoids creating conflicts between the user groups. As it stands today, the current fishing plan created conflict and perceptions that put the users into conflict as opposed to finding ways to have all work together. HOWEVER...a big part of the problem was and is an unwillingness on the part of the Commies to listen to the sporties and look for flexible solutions.

There was fish for all (pun intended) Sunday July 03 there was line ups at the cleaning station at 8 am.
Sunday 12 noon siene opeing entire canal consisted of 20 plus boats for 2 days
Next came gillnet opening of all the choke points in the canal at all the choke points and right out to barkley sound

So 6 days of commie fishing and the following weekend there was NO ONE at the cleaning station.
To add insult to injury on friday July 08 there announce another 6 days of commie openings with no break in the onslaught of the commercials

From the July long weekend to the following weekend weather and water temperatures did not change. I was over in P.A.
7 full on days of commie fishing has all to do with why sporties were not catching
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wow..was prepping my response...and you beat me to it.
Yes...prior to the commercial opening, the sockeye fishing in Port was red hot. 3 peoples limits before 8:00 am, every morning. Then the 20+ seine boats were let loose into the entire canal!! Gill nets were/are fishing at the choke boats in Barkley Sound. The next day after the seine fish in the day 4 fish, then 0, and 0 again. This all occurred before the rains started. Line ups at the cleaning station, and then nobody at them.
Funny....Paul Preston of DFO also blamed river conditions, during a phone conversation, again before the rains. Sorry, seems to be the standard answer when the sporties aren't able to catch fish....and I for one am not drinking that lemonade.
All sounds very familiar !!! just experienced the same results with commercial halibut fishing this spring in JDF east (Victoria and area) exactly the same out come...
it is truly an Atrocity !! When will DFO get their heads out of sand and manage our resources fairly !

There was fish for all (pun intended) Sunday July 03 there was line ups at the cleaning station at 8 am.
Sunday 12 noon siene opeing entire canal consisted of 20 plus boats for 2 days
Next came gillnet opening of all the choke points in the canal at all the choke points and right out to barkley sound

So 6 days of commie fishing and the following weekend there was NO ONE at the cleaning station.
To add insult to injury on friday July 08 there announce another 6 days of commie openings with no break in the onslaught of the commercials

From the July long weekend to the following weekend weather and water temperatures did not change. I was over in P.A.
7 full on days of commie fishing has all to do with why sporties were not catching
Heard a woman from PA on the CBC this morning advocating for the sporties. She sounded good. Was that you island Girl?

Great work on the letter too!
Obviously you all missed the message that DFO and the commercial sector gave you this spring on Halibut.
Commercial sector fights for their piece of the pie and as in war, there are no rules.
Sports sector does not and wants to play nice.
So far Sports sector not doing so well and we have not even begun all the quota's on shell fish,crabs, bottom fish, salmon etc.etc..
Bingo OBD... The powers that be in Port should be seriously considering a legal response to this discusting attack on there tourism industry. And as chris73 suggested maybe the "Sports Fishing Capitol of Canada" should get involved as well.:( eman
Get all the facts before you pass judgment. Look closely at the river counter data, the fishing plan, catch data patterns. Time for DFO to be transparent, and allow the facts to hit the table. I'm not trying to protect the commies, just encourage folks to get FACTS before they pass judgment on the DFO and commercial sector.

Having said that, the choices made in terms of when/when the commie fishery was executed did create conflicts with the recreational fishery for certain. More care in future needs to be exercised to minimize the impacts.

What we need to do for next season (this year is done) is sit down and do a complete analysis of the data, scrutinize the actual fishing plan, and look for constructive alternatives for next season. It may feel good to ***** at DFO and the Commies, but speaking from emotion will not solve anything....we instead need to organize a well reasoned, fact based response and alternatives for next season.
"This year is done" How true, My boat and money are now heading up to the Port Alice and Port Hardy area until spring. Good bye home town of PA

Looking at the stats from Island girls carnage thread I see the estimated sport catch was 41k fish that's even less than the 5% that the sports were allotted. Now I only bought a boat last year and I seem to remember fishing until late July. Why was it Mr sea run with an estimated run the same size as last year us sports guys only got about 2.5 weeks of good fishing. I still think they could rectify this by utilizing Islandgirls great Idea of spiting the inlet in half.
Get all the facts before you pass judgment. Look closely at the river counter data, the fishing plan, catch data patterns. Time for DFO to be transparent, and allow the facts to hit the table. I'm not trying to protect the commies, just encourage folks to get FACTS before they pass judgment on the DFO and commercial sector.

Having said that, the choices made in terms of when/when the commie fishery was executed did create conflicts with the recreational fishery for certain. More care in future needs to be exercised to minimize the impacts.

What we need to do for next season (this year is done) is sit down and do a complete analysis of the data, scrutinize the actual fishing plan, and look for constructive alternatives for next season. It may feel good to ***** at DFO and the Commies, but speaking from emotion will not solve anything....we instead need to organize a well reasoned, fact based response and alternatives for next season.

DFO has been conducting a Clean up fishery on the sockeye since july 03. At that time there escapement goal was 513 000 fish based on 1.4 million returning. Fish have been entering the lakes since may and now first week of July they want no more! Essentially they are going to wipe out the back half of the run. No genetic diversification. IF anything goes wrong in those lakes now the ENTIRE run is gone for good! If these fish had a chance to get into the lake, even if the die they provide food and nutrients for the aquatic life. The lakes can be fertilized for the fry so there is enought food for the juveniles. If they dig up other reds that is diversifying the run as well. Searun, I see NO possible benifit to wiping out the back half of a run other than fattening Jimmys wallet some more.
Well, I have remained quiet about this so far. My reason is that I am so PISSED OFF that every time I started typing I ended up with a paragraph full of offensive language.

I also was there on July 3rd and enjoyed some of the finest fishing we could hope for. We had my great nephew with us. He is a 10 year old boy that is struggling through the emotions of the recent separation of his mom and dad. That kid had a great day(almost as great as his uncle and Granddad had sharing it with him) fishing ,catching ,loosing fish and watching so many others having the same kind of day. I know the fun should be "in the fishing not the catching". Lets face it, young kids have much more fun when it is action packed. What better fishery dose Mother Nature provide us to introduce kids to the great sport that is our passion. He asked us if we could take his sister next weekend. No question and the plan was made. We all know what happened next.

You can easily figure out that we did not make the trip over because of the "Mop Up" that was occurring. We are amongst many who cancelled plans to spend money in Port.Wen we arrived in Port on the Saturday July 2 we stopped at Gone Fishing and like all the others we were shoulder to shoulder with spent a bunch of money on tackle and hopes of a great fishing day to come. As out of towners we also bought food at restaurants and payed for launch and fuel, coffees ect ect.
I have read here and other places all kinds of BS about enough fish in rivers and lakes. Too many is bad and we have to catch them all before they get in. I call ******** on all of it. This is all based on science done by and funded by(Who I am sure, without written proof to back it) are the very people who have proven time and time again that thier only interest is lining the pockets of the big boys .Taking as much of the resource that they can get away with. No I am not a biologist or a scientist. I am however a lifelong rec angler that has enough common sense to see that it is just one more example of the people really controlling the commercial sector sacrificing all and everything else, including the fish and well being of the local communities to ensure they get more money! Greed pure Greed. That is and always has been the motivation behind BS statements that too many fish are a bad thing. Nature sorts that out just fine on its own .If the fishery was for any other reason than greed,DfO would have found ways of sharing the bounty with the community and the families.

As far as the weather and the river conditions go. I agree that they are not the best for creating mass schooling and long term holding . It was not this that reduced the numbers to mere remnants of what they were one and two days prior. That was caused by a massive attack on stocks by the net fleet. Make no mistake that is the only reason catches went from limits to skunks in a 24-48 hour period.I am not saying that this years run was killed by the nets. I am saying Unless change is demanded and made, it is this exact kind of greed and overfishing that we will one day look back at pacific salmon stocks as nothing more than a shadow of better days.

Kudos to you Island Girl for being so vocal about your concerns regarding the abuse and neglect DFO is once again perpetrating to benefit the very few.

That’s my 2cents on this one.
Cheers: Ray
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I know that this thread is about the Sockeye fishery but I can't help but think about what happened last year just before the Derby. The Commies were netting the Inlet for days leading up to the start of the Derby. A lot of Rec. fishers spent a bunch of money to come to P.A and fish the Derby. For what? The Inlet was like a barren wasteland, no fish to be had! What is the logic in that? I hope that they learned their lesson but I'm not counting on it.
DFO has been conducting a Clean up fishery on the sockeye since july 03. At that time there escapement goal was 513 000 fish based on 1.4 million returning. Fish have been entering the lakes since may and now first week of July they want no more! Essentially they are going to wipe out the back half of the run. No genetic diversification. IF anything goes wrong in those lakes now the ENTIRE run is gone for good! If these fish had a chance to get into the lake, even if the die they provide food and nutrients for the aquatic life. The lakes can be fertilized for the fry so there is enought food for the juveniles. If they dig up other reds that is diversifying the run as well. Searun, I see NO possible benifit to wiping out the back half of a run other than fattening Jimmys wallet some more.

I was going to post the exact same thing this morning so I guess I will anyway. They are destroying the middle to late run of sockeye. The commercial fleet is gigantic and devastatingly effective.
What should have happened in a perfect world would be to have a two or three seiners and ten to twenty gill netters throughout the inlet all season long. They could fish their hearts content, make lots of money to support their families and there would still be lots for rec and native fishermen as well. DFO's method of extraction just doesn't make sense. As I've said before, the commercial fleet needs to be cut in half today and cut in half again tomorrow and then they could start cutting and trimming more boats as required. As things stand now, there will never be any hope for the future.
About ten years ago, sockeye fishery was well-managed by DFO in Area 23 for all the sectors. Everyone had the fish. But now, DFO has changed its attitude towards Rec. fishers for the last 5 years. DFO wants to ensure commies to catch all the fish as possible as they can. A long time avid fishing writer and flyfishing expert warned that a few people in DFO don't like Rec. fishers in Area 23. Sad!
.... Too many is bad and we have to catch them all before they get in. I call ******** on all of it. ...

And you are totally correct calling BS on that. The commies were crying the same song last year when 30 Million socks came to the Fraser. Now imagine, mother nature used to let over 100 Million socks return to the Fraser year after year before the westcoast was civilized. And obviously those socks survived well over thousands of years despite the "overcrowding". You do NOT need to be a biologist to see what's behind the commies' arguments. Certainly not any truth.